Thursday, April 27, 2017

Grouse Hen Returns To Same Nesting Place, Attacks Trail Users

Last year I was generally amused when an overly protective grouse bit me in the butt while trying to ride by her on our local trail system Link    This year I am not amused, she is back and way more aggressive. It was a bit like Wiley the Coyote and Roadrunner. I stopped to adjust my squeaking rear brake, heard a rustling noise and looked up to see the grouse racing down the hill at me. She immediately jumped up to the level of my handlebars and tried to peck a hole in my front tire. Then she circled me while I returned to adjusting my brake, making a warbly grunting noise that came from somewhere deep in her dinosaur ancestral DNA. As I started my departure, she jumped up and pecked at me and the bike. I rode up the trail a way, but she was racing up the trail toward me. I sped through a downhill section, went through some climbing turns and a switchback, continued climbing and there she was straight ahead waiting for me on the trail.  I tried riding through but she didn't budge and I didn't want to run her over. So, I got off and walked around while she jumped up and pecked at me. I rode on and she went straight uphill to the next pass of the trail and waited for me to arrive. The scene repeated 3 more times over 3/4 of a mile until I reached the trail summit. I was convinced at this point that she would chase me all the way downhill. Fortunately, I was too fast for her but I am sure she will be waiting for me the next time I ride that trail.

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