Sunday, June 19, 2016

Attacked by a Mother Hen Grouse

I was attacked on the trail today by the most agressive hen grouse I've encountered yet. Every year our local grouse population puts their nests right next to the trails and then confront every hiker and rider that comes by. Usually they jump around a little but get off the trail and let you by. The hen today came after me 5 or 6 times. I put my wheel in front of it and it jumped up and started pecking the tire. I maneuvered it around behind me and started running up the trail with my bike. I looked back and there was the hen bearing down on me. I stopped and flipped the grouse off the trail with my front wheel. 2 more times and I finally flipped it about 10 feet downhill, got on my bike and made my escape. I wish someone had been there to video this - it would have been a pretty hilarious scene of me running down the trail with my bike with the grouse chasing me. Never mess with a mother of newborns!

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