Thursday, April 27, 2017

Parks & Wildlife Warns About Debris Flow Hazard Risk on Arkansas River Near Coaldale

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The Hayden Pass Fire scorched 16,750 acres last year. Heavy rainfall events can erode the upper layer of ash, burnt logs and surface soils carrying it in a mudwave downhill. In a few years, vegetation will re-establish and prevent erosion.

2nd Wild Rabbit Tularemia Case in Pueblo

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Grouse Hen Returns To Same Nesting Place, Attacks Trail Users

Last year I was generally amused when an overly protective grouse bit me in the butt while trying to ride by her on our local trail system Link    This year I am not amused, she is back and way more aggressive. It was a bit like Wiley the Coyote and Roadrunner. I stopped to adjust my squeaking rear brake, heard a rustling noise and looked up to see the grouse racing down the hill at me. She immediately jumped up to the level of my handlebars and tried to peck a hole in my front tire. Then she circled me while I returned to adjusting my brake, making a warbly grunting noise that came from somewhere deep in her dinosaur ancestral DNA. As I started my departure, she jumped up and pecked at me and the bike. I rode up the trail a way, but she was racing up the trail toward me. I sped through a downhill section, went through some climbing turns and a switchback, continued climbing and there she was straight ahead waiting for me on the trail.  I tried riding through but she didn't budge and I didn't want to run her over. So, I got off and walked around while she jumped up and pecked at me. I rode on and she went straight uphill to the next pass of the trail and waited for me to arrive. The scene repeated 3 more times over 3/4 of a mile until I reached the trail summit. I was convinced at this point that she would chase me all the way downhill. Fortunately, I was too fast for her but I am sure she will be waiting for me the next time I ride that trail.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Governor Hickenlooper Urges Prepare for Wildfire Season

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The destructive wildfires during the extreme drought of 2012-2013 led the Governor to increase firefighting readiness and capabilities. The most important of those was securing a Boeing 747 supertanker aircraft that can quickly deliver large amounts of fire retardant - an order of magnitude more than the fleet of WWII prop planes can. The droughts of 2002 and 2012-2013 were the most extreme since the 1930's dust bowl years and those 2 seasons were responsible for the largest and most destructive wildfires in the past 15 years. Contrary to what is stated in the article, most wildfires are started by lightning or electric power lines blown down during windstorms although arson, illegal campfires and chimneys and construction equipment without spark arrestors have caused some of the larger and destructive wildfires.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

12 Fatalities at Ski Resorts in Colorado This Season

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The names and faces behind the statistics.

Seasons Reverse Again - Spring in March, Winter in April

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5 - 8 inches of wet, heavy snow sure to bring down tree limbs and power lines. Overnight low forecast for 21 degrees - bad news for all those fruit trees that blossomed in March.