Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Ice Storm Causes Many Spinouts in Foothills and Mountains

News Link
In my area, the roads were covered in black ice with dozens of vehicles stranded on the side of the road. 14" of snow and high winds are making travel in the mountains difficult.

Avalanche Warning Issued for Mountains

News Link
Back country travel not recommended.

Monday, December 22, 2014

CDOT Completes Rock Bolting on Hwy 3 Near Durango

News Link
There have been 5 accidents caused by rockfall on this stretch of highway in the past 10 years. With an average of 8,700 vehicles per day on the highway and an average passenger load of 1.5, the incident rate is about 1 in 9 million, the same rate as the average for the whole state of Colorado. Maybe this mitigation work will knock the rate down a bit.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Review of the Arkansas River's Deadly Toll This Summer

News Link
7 people drowned in the section in Fremont County in June and July. 7 others drowned river running in Colorado this year.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Meteor Streaks Over Colorado Springs

News Link

Video Summary of Boulder Floods of 2013


This news report surfaced in my RSS feed for some reason. It is a good video documentation of the week-long flooding in the Boulder area and downstream. Some sensationalist stuff like saying it was a 1,000 year flood ( it was somewhere in the range of a 50 to 100 year flood) and the rescue of Roy Ortiz from his van submerged in raging flood waters. After his rescue, Ortiz sued the rescue team for not getting to him fast enough. After the suit was filed, Ortiz turns out to be an illegal immigrant!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Quietest 3 Year Period for Tornadoes in the US on Record

News Link
Every weather pattern goes through regular cycles of roughly 60 years, building up to an extreme maximum and then declining to an extreme minimum.  The records only go back through 1953 which means one cycle or less has been observed in detail with weather satellites.

Here's the graph of the number of tornadoes in Colorado vs the number of hurricanes in the US from an earlier post.  You can see that the number of tornadoes peaked in the 1990's and is currently declining toward a minimum.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

An Alaska Avalanche Story To Learn From

News Link

CU Student Dies After Hitting Tree at Eldora Ski Area

News Link

Russian Scientist Discovers 1,200 Foot Asteroid

News Link
NASA has done a good job of identifying and tracking the largest near earth asteroids but so far only 11,000 of the more than 100,000 estimated near earth objects are identified and tracked. This 1,200 foot asteroid wouldn't be a world-ender if it struck earth but would completely destroy an area the size of Colorado.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Beavers in Breckenridge Test Positive for Tularemia

News Link
15 human cases in Colorado this year, the most since the 1980's.  As with all natural hazards, there is a cycle that builds up to a maximum and then declines to a minimum, repeating over and over again.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Colorado Geological Survey Identifies 2 Faults Through Colorado Springs That Could Have Mag 7 Quakes

News Link
Colorado has a low to moderate earthquake potential and 7 is the maximum that could be produced, although it has never been observed.  My book lays out the case that mag 7 could occur once in 500 years statistically. Colorado has been settled for less than 300 years, and the Front Range for less than 200 years.

The CGS also has this map on their website with 14 different faults throughout the mountains of Colorado capable of producing Mag 7 earthquakes (in their opinion).

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Friday, October 31, 2014

USGS Opinion That 2011 Trinidad 5.3 Earthquake Caused by Wastewater Injection

News Link
There has been a lot of small earthquake activity in that area recently, similar to the swarm of small quakes near the Rocky Mountain Arsenal wastewater wells in the 60's and 70's.

Video of Man Thrown from Motorcycle After Hitting Deer near Pagosa Springs

News Link
His protective gear, especially his helmet,  saved him but I wonder if it blocked his peripheral vision to notice the deer along the side of the road in the first place. Definitely wear a helmet anyway.

Monday, October 27, 2014

November Is Peak Time for Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions

News Link

There is a great photo of a elk calf nursing in the middle of the highway.  This article has a complete set of statistics. Last year, there were 3,437 wildlife-vehicle collisions reported. 250 people were injured and there were 4 fatalities.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Colorado Mountain Lion Migrates to Kansas

News Link
A sign that Colorado's mountain lion population is growing.

Study Completed - 1,138 Landslides During September 2013 Floods

News Link
Most of these landlsides were debris flows - severe erosion that occurs during intense rain storms. The interesting part of the study was that most occurred on south-facing slopes.  That probably means that tree-covered slopes are effective in preventing erosion.

X-Class Solar Flares Disrupt Communications

News Link

Sunday, October 19, 2014

NASA Scientists Declare Drought of 1934 the Worst in 1,000 Years

News Link
I guess it depends on what the definition of "worst" is. They used the criteria percentage of the US that had drought conditions, which was 72% in 1934. But you could also look at duration ( how many years ), or how dry it was (how low stream flow was based on tree ring studies). On the basis of those criteria, 1934 was the third or fourth worst drought in the past 1,000 years. Tree ring studies in California show a drought of 240 years duration that started in 850 AD, followed 50 years later by another drought of 180 years. I'd vote for that to be the worst drought.

3 Bear Incidents in the Aspen Area

News Link

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014

CDPHE Warns Small Game Hunters About Tularemia

News Link
Colorado has had 11 human cases this year and more that might be confirmed. The most since the 1980's.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Moose Wandering Through Longmont

News Link

Storm Brings Golf-Ball Sized Hail to Denver, Snow to Mountains

News Link
I was driving over Wolf Creek Pass on Monday and it was total chaos. 6" of heavy snow fell quickly and semis, Winnebagos and cars were strewn across the road. My trusty Land Cruiser was able to navigate around and through the mess but most cars were spinning out.

NOAA Researcher - Last September's Floods Not Caused by Climate Change

News Link
Just what I said last year when it happened. The researcher also found the storm strikingly similar to the Boulder flood of 1938 and similar to the June, 1965 flood.  Did they read my blog?, because it sounds exactly like what I posted last year when it happened.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Colorado's 4th Case of Tularemia in Erie

News Link
I am sure that the rabbit population has exploded this year with the plentiful rain all summer.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Mountain Lion Gets Aggressive with Steamboat Hikers

News Link
An interesting account, wrongly reported as an attack.  The mountain lion was aggressive and threatening, but did not make physical contact with anyone.  We had a similar incident in our Open Space park about 10 years ago, when a hiker encountered a cat that was standing over a fresh deer kill. In that case the hiker made himself "big", yelled at the cat and was able to back away slowly facing the cat the whole time, and return back down the trail.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Space Science Institute Has Online Tool to Estimate the Impact of Meteor Strikes

Web Link
Some interesting things can be seen with this game. If a school bus-sized meteor were to hit head-on in downtown Denver, the crater would cover most of the city and the blast zone would level buildings throughout much of the immediately surrounding suburbs. A 1,000 foot asteroid, the size of Apophis would cause a crater about 7 miles in diameter and the fireball would cause 1st degree burns all the way from Fort Collins to Colorado Springs. While a 7 mile crater sounds pretty big, the La Garita caldera from a supervolcanic eruption in Colorado 25 million years ago was 47 miles across. The chances of another supervolcanic eruption in Yellowstone are about 20 times greater than a small asteroid hitting Colorado.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Big Solar Storm Headed for Earth

News Link
Scientists sure storm will disrupt power and communications, unsure whether today or the next few days and which part of earth will be facing sun when it arrives.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Another Case of Tularemia Surfaces in Larimer County

News Link
In this case, they think the man got it from mowing tall grass where rabbits had been.  This is the first time I've heard that theory.  More likely the mower ran over part of a dead rabbit or he was bitten by mosquitoes that were carrying the bacteria .  That's four cases in Colorado this year, a normal number of cases.

Longmont Infant with Tularemia Recovers in Hospital

News Link
Tularemia is carried mainly by rabbits. They think the child was bitten by an insect that had been in contact with a rabbit.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

West Nile Cases in Colorado Now Stands at 43

News Link
Far below last year's pace but August and September are the months that most West Nile infections occur.

2 Students Struck by Lightning in Denver

News Link
One had no pulse and was not breathing when EMTs arrived. He is in critical condition.

Look at the picture of where this happened - sitting under a tall tree in the middle of an open field. That is called a lightning rod. Seeking shelter under a tree during a lightning storm is the second most likely place to be struck by lightning. The most likely is making yourself the lightning rod by standing on high ground in an open field or on a rock outcropping.

Small Tornado Rips Up Rockvale in SE Colorado

News Link

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Plague Warning for Boulder

News Link
Prairie dog colony has die-off in open space park, fleas test positive for plague.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

3 Rescuers Injured by Hiker-Triggered Rockslide on Capitol Peak

News Link
They were recovering a body from Capitol Peak. I have climbed it, it is one of the busier 14er routes in Colorado.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Drought-Stricken Eads Gets 6" of Rain

News Link

Flash Flooding in the Redlands, Grand Junction

News Link

Man in SE Colorado Dies When Wind Collapses Trailer

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Heavy Rains Cause Flooding, Mudslide Closes I-70 Near Wolcott

News Link

Kayaker Drowns on Arkansas River near Buena Vista

News Link

Rain Pounding Front Range

It's an upslope - looks very similar to last September.

Garbage-Browsing Bear Killed by Police in Breckenridge

News Link

Colorado's 5th West Nile Case of Season in Mesa County

News Link
Very few West Nile cases this year, way down from 2013.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Niwot Woman 3rd West Nile Case in Colorado for 2014

News Link

Mountain Lion Attacks 2 Dogs in Glenwood Springs

News Link
I wonder if this is one the 2 young mountain lions seen there last spring.

Smoke from Wildfire in British Columbia Hazes Colorado Skies

News Link

Flooding Hits Southern Colorado

News Link
This happened last Wednesday.

3 Additional Cases of Plague Reported by CDPHE

News Link
All cases are believed linked to the dog owned by the first person to contract pneumonic plague. The dog is believed to have been bitten by fleas that obtained the plague from prairie dogs or rabbits. The dog spread it to the people via inhalation. The health department's privacy policy doesn't allow identification of who was affected.

Bear in Grand Junction Gets 2 Strikes and Out

News Link

Hungry Bears Breaking Into Homes in Steamboat Springs

News Link
3 separate incidents.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Mudslide Shuts Down Hwy 285 Near Poncha Pass

News Link

Residents in Cascade Cleanup After Severe Flooding

News Link
Cascade is located upstream of Manitou Springs on Hwy 24 and Fountain Creek. The Waldo Canyon fire of 2012 burned much of the surrounding high country.

A Little-Known Natural Hazard

News Link
This story is from London where a crystal doorknob focused the sun's rays and started a fire.

Something similar happened in my house about 5 years ago.  My wife had a small makeup mirror with a stand in our bathroom.  It was a circular 2-sided mirror with a flat mirror on one side and a concave mirror on the other.  Every day about 2 PM I would smell smoke and could not figure out where it was coming from.  Finally, I looked in our bathroom and there was smoke coming from a small spot on the woodwork framing the window.  The afternoon sun came in a west facing window, hit the concave mirror sitting at about a 45 degree angle on the counter top, and reflected a focused light beam on the woodwork. Over a week's time it had burnt a hole about 1 inch in diameter and 1/2 inch deep - quite the repair job and quite lucky a fire didn't start!

Road Flooding and Mudslides Hit Larimer County

News Link

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Parks and Wildlife Could Have Easily Avoided Problem with Cow Elk in Steamboat

News Link
Parks and Wildlife has now captured the calf of that was abandoned when they relocated the mom to the Flat Tops Wilderness. This whole sorry situation could have been avoided by closing the trail to the public like they are doing with moose near Maroon Bells.

Heavy Rain, Flooding, Hail and Tornadoes Hit Front Range and Eastern Plains

News Link

Saturday, July 12, 2014

1 More Killed and Others Injured in 2nd Day of Lightning Strikes in Rocky Mountain National Park

News Link
The monsoon rages on.

Lightning Strike Kills 1, Injures 7 Other Hikers in Rocky Mountain National Park

News Link
The hikers were on a trail just off of Trail Ridge Road.  Trail Ridge Road, as the name implies, is an exposed high point along the continental divide that is one big lightning rod. Just about every year, out-of-state tourists that are unaware of the risk of hiking on exposed mountain ridges in the afternoon are struck in Rocky Mountain National Park. RMNP and the Pike's Peak area near Colorado Springs have had the most incidents of lightning strike casualties in Colorado over the past 60 years.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Elk Cow in Steamboat Relocated to Flat Tops, Calf Left to Fend on Its Own

News Link
The photo shows 2 dogs off-leash harassing the elk. When this happens with a moose at Maroon Lake the trails are closed to the public - seems like an inconsistent policy.  Maybe the dogs should be trapped and relocated.

Rabid Bat Bites Senior While in Her Home in Pueblo

News Link

Monday, June 23, 2014

West Nile Researcher Says There Could Be a Lot of Cases This Year

News Link
Recent wet conditions with summer warm up adds up to a lot of mosquitoes which transmit the disease. Birds carry the disease and both humans and horses are at risk. The mosquitoes that carry West Nile are most active at dawn and dusk.  Most cases in Colorado occur where there are a lot of irrigation canals and ponds in the Ft Collins-Greeley-Longmount area and the Grand Junction-Montrose-Delta area. There were 322 cases reported in 2013 with 7 deaths.

Man and Woman Injured After Motorcycle Collides with Elk in Durango

News Link

Friday, June 20, 2014

40 Tornado Touchdowns in Colorado this Year Near the Average

News Link

Research Shows Large Catastrophic Floods on the Colorado River Happened 40 Times in the Past 2,000 Years

News Link
The researchers found that the so-called 100-year and 500-year flood events statistically calculated from the relatively short stream gauge records have happened far more often. The 500-year flood calculated from stream gauge records was exceeded 26 times in the past 2,000 years - an average of once every 77 years. This is completely consistent with the obviously wrong conclusions that the floods in the Boulder area last September were 1 in 500-year or 1 in 1,000-year events caused by global warming.  Big Thompson Canyon has had 2 "500-year flood events" in the past 40 years. As I stated last September, it is pretty clear that the traditional flood frequency estimates based on limited stream gauge records are flawed and way off the mark. Tree ring studies dating back 1,000 years along the Colorado River have shown that the climate has gone through a regular cycle of extreme drought to extreme wet. Past cycles have shown both more extreme drought conditions and more extreme wet conditions than have happened in the past 100 years.

Mosquitoes Test Positive for West Nile near Grand Junction

News Link

A Novel Way to Control Plague in Prairie Dogs

News Link
Research being conducted by Colorado Parks and Wildlife near Durango is using a vaccine to try and prevent large outbreaks of plague in rodent populations. Peanut butter flavored pellets are the delivery system for the vaccine. Limiting plague in rodents is a way to reduce the potential for people to be exposed.

New Viral Threat Chikungunya Similar to West Nile

News Link
165 cases in the southern US were all contracted outside the US. Health officials see the spread of this disease as very similar to West Nile and probably will be here in the next few years. it is not fatal, like West Nile can be, but symptoms are more intense than the worst flu you've ever had.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

How to Survive a Bear Attack

News Link
The best part was this comment:

Tornado Stories

A teen in Trinidad was mowing the lawn while listening to loud music on his ipod and did not hear the tornado headed right for him.
News Link

Video of tornado in Fairplay at 10,000 foot elevation.

Friday, May 30, 2014

2-Year-Old Boy Hospitalized After Rattlesnake Bite

News Link
A young mom with a 6-year-old and 2-year old was more than a mile up the trail in Devil's Backbone Park near Loveland when the rattlesnake bit the 2-year-old.  A good samaritan ran carrying the child down to the trail head to waiting med evac.

Flash Flood Watch for NE Colorado

News Link
Snow melt has also led to a Flood Watch for the Colorado River and the Cache la Poudre.

Lake Forming at Head of Landslide

News link
Water is filling the void created at the top of the Colbran landslide and could cause a catastrophic failure similar to the failure of a dam. People downstream all the way to the town of Colbran are being told to be ready to evacuate.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Denver Post Live Blog Update on Colbran Landslide

News Link
Photos of the landslide show it is located in remote unpopulated area. Does not look good for 3 missing men.  They are a family of ranchers who were inspecting damage to an irrigation ditch from the first movements of the slide when the big one let go.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Denver Post Puts Together Nice Interactive Graphic on Tornado History in Colorado

News Link
Gives a very good representation of where tornadoes have happened. There are a few minor errors in the database. The map shows an F3 tornado near Fowler Colorado on October 20, 1953.  There is a tornado in the NOAA database for this location and date but it was never confirmed nor classified. A tornado shown as an F4 in the very southeastern corner of Colorado on May 18, 1977 was almost entirely in New Mexico and may have just crossed the state line at an unknown F rating. The article states that 3 people have been killed by tornadoes since 1950 but the total is 5 - 2 were killed near Holyoke in an F3 tornado on June 27, 1960.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Mountain Lions Dine on Deer in Boulder Backyard

News Link
This happens all the time in foothills residential areas adjacent to open space. After a kill, the cats usually drag the deer to a nearby secluded location. The cougars are very protective of their food and dogs or humans that get too close are at risk of being attacked.

Larimer County Leads the State in Viral Diseases Carried by Wildlife

News Link

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day Winter Storm Could be in Top 10 May Snowfall Events for Denver

News Link
Th record event was a 5 day storm in 1898 that dumped 15.5 inches.

Snow in May is normal for the Front Range but this is the first time in the 30 years I have lived here that I have seen a full blown winter storm with below freezing temperatures during the day. There are 2 hummingbirds that camped out in this tree overnight that might not make it.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Mountain Lions Sighted Numerous Times in Glenwood Springs

News Link
Look at the photo of the mountain lion.  This is a young one. As I've said many times before, mountain lion sightings like this are common when 18 month old cubs are sent off by their moms in the spring to find their own territory. Some of them have not developed any fear of humans and seem "bold".  It is true that the few mountain lion attacks that have occurred in Colorado have been young ones that have not figured out what they are supposed to do, like this one, so it is wise to keep your distance.  Mountain lions usually have 2 or 3 cubs, so the multiple sightings make sense for a batch that have just been let go by the mother. Usually, they figure things out in about a month or less and are not seen again.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

New Study Shows Asteroids Strike More Often

News Link
A new study shows that asteroid explosions in the atmosphere with a force greater than a nuclear bomb happen twice per year.  Since 70% of the earth is covered by oceans, most are not observed by people. Perhaps 10% of the earth's surface is inhabited by people. That works out to about once per decade over inhabited areas. The last one observed was over Russia last year, which injured over 1,000 people.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

University of Colorado Researcher Unlocks Mystery of West Nile Virus

News Link
Discovery of how the virus attaches to cells and reproduces may lead to treatments and vaccine.

Dumb and Dumber

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People (visitors?) in Vail are surrounding an injured elk and having their pictures taken. I am sure they will sue Vail when the elk heaves one of them over its shoulder.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

More Earthquakes in Challis

News Link

Here's the quote from the state geologist:

"Much is perplexing about the series of tremors, said Bill Phillips, a geologist with the Idaho Geological Survey at the University of Idaho. Such earthquake swarms typically are associated with the movement of molten rock below ground, which geologists credited for the recent quake cluster at Yellowstone National Park, or they are linked to an active fault."

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sunday, April 13, 2014

One Month Later, Moose and Calf Still Hanging Around Silverthorne Mall

News Link

4.9 Earthquake Rattles Challis, Idaho near Yellowstone

News Link
Challis has been hit by a swarm of about 20 earthquakes in the past 2 weeks.  It is located about 150 miles west of Yellowstone and lies on a fault connected to the fault that runs through Yellowstone.  Yellowstone had a 4.8 quake two weeks ago.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Minneapolis Father and Son Hiking at Echo Lake Missing Since Wednesday

News Link
Doesn't look promising for these two.  I drove across the mountains this morning and it was a complete white-out blizzard.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Meteorite Narrowly Misses Norwegian Wingsuit Skydiver

News Link
Amazing helmet cam view of a basketball-sized meteorite whizzing by.  It makes me think that meteorites of this size hitting the earth are far more common than reported.

Update: After thinking about it, what happened might have been rockfall. It wasn't moving that fast and wasn't hot like a meterorite that just went through earth's atmosphere.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Ridiculous Mountain Lion Article in Durango

News Link
A mountain lion killed a fawn within the city limits of Durango - this is news? and a tragedy? Guess what - mountain lions eat one deer every week or two.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Boulder Warns of Elevated Flash Flood Risk

News Link

SE Colorado Under Red Flag Warning

News Link
High winds and continued severe drought conditions in SE Colorado are ripe conditions for a wildfire.  This time of year lightning is not usually a factor, so it would have to be a man-made ignition source like sparks from a skidding vehicle or live cigarette butts out the window.

4.8 Earthquake in Yellowstone Biggest in 34 Years

News Link
Scientists say there is no danger for a repeat of a supervolcanic eruption.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Flash Flood Risk High in Boulder and Larimer County for This Spring

News Link
A combination of the 3rd largest snow pack in 35 years with saturated ground conditions from last September's floods.  Historically, Front Range catastrophic floods tend to come in bunches followed by periods of a decade or more of no flooding.  Last year's flood was the first catastrophic flood in northern Colorado since 1997. Clear Creek and Bear Creek are overdue for a big one.

Cougar Lounging on Decks in Aspen

News Link
This happens in the spring when cubs are about 18 months and are let go by Mom to go fend for themselves but they haven't quite figured out what to do yet.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Snohomish Landslide in Washington Slid Many Times in Past 60 Years

News Link
An article from the Seattle Times documents how the area that slid 2 days ago, with 14 dead and 176 missing, was called "Slide Hill" by locals in the 1960's. The head of Snohomish County's Department of Emergency Management claimed “It was considered very safe,” Pennington said. “This was a completely unforeseen slide. This came out of nowhere.” So, even if you do know what has happened in the past, like the last time this landslide moved down the hill in 2006, you can choose to put your hands over your eyes and claim you never saw it coming.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

CDOT Warns That It Is Rockslide Season

News Link
Freeze-thaw action this time of year loosens rock faces. Clear Creek Canyon, the I-70 corridor from Idaho Springs to Georgetown Hill and Glenwood Canyon are all potential rockfall areas.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Wildfires Possible in March

News Link
Drought conditions persist in SE Colorado and the eastern plains. There were March wildfires in 2011 and 2012.

The Waldo Canyon burn scar remains a hazard for flash flooding, so parks officials are not re-opening the popular Waldo Canyon trail.
News Link

Monday, March 17, 2014

Moose and Calf Wandering around Silverthorne

News Link
Dogs running off-leash and moose protecting their calves were a recipe for attacks and serious injuries for several people in Colorado last year.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Couple of Recent Stories About People that Just Don't Get It about Natural Hazards

Here's a story in the Coloradoan about some brain-dead parents that let their kids walk up to a bull elk in Rocky Mountain National Park.  The rack on the elk is bigger than the kids.
News Link

Then there is the case of Roy Ortiz, rescued from his submerged SUV in the floods last September.
News Link
He is suing the rescuers for $500,000.  Putting himself into the top tier of irresponsible, unaccountable, "it wasn't me", in a category by himself as he explains:  The rescuers took too long to get to him, causing psychological damage and problems with one shoulder. Further raising his credibility, Ortiz is also going after Boulder County, saying they are accountable for allowing him to drive across the flooded road. My own opinion is that he should go after the Motor Vehicle Division for allowing him to have a driver's license. He is also suing the insurance companies of the drivers of 2 cars that were in the flood waters with him for medical expenses he incurred. Apparently, he didn't have car insurance or health insurance to cover his injuries and hospital costs. The lawyer that convinced him to move forward with these suits should be disbarred.

Update: 3/14
News Link
Turns out, Roy Ortiz is also an illegal immigrant.  Maybe he should sue the US government that caused his injuries by allowing him to be here illegally. Or he could sue his lawyer for fraud for representing that he is a qualified attorney. The attorney made this unbelievable statement:

"If divers went into the water in an attempt to locate Roy and they didn't see him there, as dangerous a job that it is - and we are thankful for first responders - that was a mistake. And the legal term for that mistake is negligence."

This attorney's twisted logic along with a lack of understanding of what negligence is, really should at a minimum make him liable for the costs that will be incurred by the government and the individual responders to defend against this suit. Let's see, guys are risking their lives trying to swim in turbid water carrying tree limbs and other debris at 5 feet per second attempting to check out three different vehicles, and they are negligent because they didn't see him?! First responders- you should sue the attorney for wrongful defamation of character.

Horses Can be Vaccinated Against Rabies

Most horses are kept in areas where rabid skunks, foxes or raccoon can  get into. There were 47 cases of equine rabies in 2012.
News Link

Monday, March 10, 2014

Africanized Bees Sting California Woman More Than 1,000 Times

A surprising series of events.
News Link
We don't have Africanized bees in Colorado yet, but if the climate continues to warm they could make it to southeastern Colorado someday.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Rabid Skunk Shot and Killed in Weld County

News Link
According to officials, this is the fourth rabies case in Colorado so far this year. In 2013, the state had 191 animal rabies cases. Weld County had 26 rabies cases in 2013.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Denver Post Article Provides Nice Graphical Summary of Avalanche Incidents in Colorado

News Link
It covers the period 1997 to present. It shows that the number of incidents have increased by about 50% in the past 15 years, probably because of increased numbers of backcountry skiers and snowmobilers. In my book, incidents are summarized from 1950-2010, with about half occurring since 1997.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

85 MPH Winds in Colorado Springs Cause Light Damage

News Link

Scientist Says Storm that Caused Flooding near Calgary in June, 2013 Almost Identical to Colorado Flood Storm

The problem with traditional methods of calculating the 100 year or 500 year flood is that it only looks at past historical occurrences of rainfall at a single location. The reality is that the meteorological conditions which produce floods like last September's in Boulder happen every 5 to 15 years somewhere along the Front Range. This study shows that the same conditions develop on the east side of the Rockies all the way up to northern Canada - News link . The exact location of these extreme rainfall events in Colorado depends on unique, localized conditions developing which are impossible to forecast at a specific location.  100-year flood zones along the Front Range should be based on an event of 14" of rain in 6 hours. This will never be accepted by developers and zoning officials because when you throw in the landslide potential along creeks in the mountains from these extreme rainfall events, the cost for a lot of real estate and infrastructure development will be prohibitive.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Dogs Running Loose Responsible for Injuries to Owners in Moose Attacks

Another moose attack in Steamboat Springs initiated by dogs running loose.

News Link

Roaring Chinooks Overnight

The house was creaking all night, probably 70 mph+.

This huge 16" diameter limb just came crashing down from a cottonwood tree in my yard.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

New Colorado 24-Hour Rainfall Record Set During 2013 Floods

It's not where you think it would be.
News Link
As the state climatologist points out this is a record for established, long term official rain gauges at 11.85". Many of Colorado's most severe storms like, the 1965 flood and the Big Thompson Canyon flood in 1976 had localized rainfall of 14 inches in 4 hours. The highest 24-hour rainfall estimated in Colorado was near Bonny Reservoir during the 1965 floods at 24".

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014

Elk Injures Woman in Edwards Open Space

This is a strange story, lacking details. It is very unusual for a yearling cow elk to attack someone.  My guess is her dogs were harassing the elk.
News Link

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Teen Injured in 60 Foot Fall While Rock Climbing in Ken Caryl Open Space Park

I took 17 rescuers 5 hours with an elaborate pulley system to pull the young man off the cliff face after sunset.
News link