Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Couple of Recent Stories About People that Just Don't Get It about Natural Hazards

Here's a story in the Coloradoan about some brain-dead parents that let their kids walk up to a bull elk in Rocky Mountain National Park.  The rack on the elk is bigger than the kids.
News Link

Then there is the case of Roy Ortiz, rescued from his submerged SUV in the floods last September.
News Link
He is suing the rescuers for $500,000.  Putting himself into the top tier of irresponsible, unaccountable, "it wasn't me", in a category by himself as he explains:  The rescuers took too long to get to him, causing psychological damage and problems with one shoulder. Further raising his credibility, Ortiz is also going after Boulder County, saying they are accountable for allowing him to drive across the flooded road. My own opinion is that he should go after the Motor Vehicle Division for allowing him to have a driver's license. He is also suing the insurance companies of the drivers of 2 cars that were in the flood waters with him for medical expenses he incurred. Apparently, he didn't have car insurance or health insurance to cover his injuries and hospital costs. The lawyer that convinced him to move forward with these suits should be disbarred.

Update: 3/14
News Link
Turns out, Roy Ortiz is also an illegal immigrant.  Maybe he should sue the US government that caused his injuries by allowing him to be here illegally. Or he could sue his lawyer for fraud for representing that he is a qualified attorney. The attorney made this unbelievable statement:

"If divers went into the water in an attempt to locate Roy and they didn't see him there, as dangerous a job that it is - and we are thankful for first responders - that was a mistake. And the legal term for that mistake is negligence."

This attorney's twisted logic along with a lack of understanding of what negligence is, really should at a minimum make him liable for the costs that will be incurred by the government and the individual responders to defend against this suit. Let's see, guys are risking their lives trying to swim in turbid water carrying tree limbs and other debris at 5 feet per second attempting to check out three different vehicles, and they are negligent because they didn't see him?! First responders- you should sue the attorney for wrongful defamation of character.

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