Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Details of Man's Fight With Mountain Lion Amazing!

News Link

The link to the Denver Post has a paywall so I'll try and recap.

The best recap I can come up with is think tiger attacks unarmed gladiator in the Colosseum.

The man was running on a trail and the juvenile mountain lion approached him from behind as cougars do with all prey. The runner faced the cougar and did all the right things, yelling and putting his hands over his head to look big but the cat attacked anyway. It may have looked something like this

The cat jumped on him and tried to secure him as they do with all their prey by trying to clamp down on his neck. The man blocked the cat with his forearm and the cat clamped down on the forearm. The wrestling match to the death began. The man reached out with his free hand, grabbed a rock and pummeled the cat's head but the cat hung on to his forearm. The fierce wrestling continued and the runner managed to take his free arm and put the cat in a headlock. The headlock eventually forced the cat to release his forearm and the man quickly reversed his position to get on top of the cat and put a double arm chokehold on its neck and double leg hold on its body. Squeezing with all his might, the cat was suffocated.

What a story! It will be interesting to see if this man has a wrestling background or just instinctively knew what to do.

Just remember you saw it here first when the news stories start reporting it this way.

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