Monday, August 20, 2018

So Far, Major Earthquakes Below Average

There were 7 major quakes (magnitude 7 or above) in 2017, below the long term average of 12 to 15 major quakes per year. A CU researcher's paper published in Oct, 2017 and posted here predicts that we can expect major quakes to increase to 17 to 20 quakes in one year sometime in the next 5 years. Despite the press hype surrounding the recent quakes in New Guinea and Fiji, 2018 is on track for a below average number of major quakes.

The USGS reports 6 major quakes in 2018 (as of 8/19/2018)

   7.5 Honduras
   7.1 Peru
   7.9 Alaska
   7.2 Mexico
   7.5 Papua New Guinea
   8.2 Fiji

Update: I might have spoken a day too soon.  7.3 Quake Strikes Venezuela  7.1 Quake Hits Peru 8/24
                                                                         7.8 Quake Fiji 9/6 9/28 7.7. Indonesia

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