Monday, December 3, 2018

Friday, November 30, 2018

Some Shaking Going on in Anchorage


Hope everything is OK at Chugach Peaks photography.

Nobody Knows Why the Earth Just Rang Like a Bell

News Link

The Krakatoa supervolcano in Indonesia produced a worldwide seismic signature when it erupted in 1883, so submarine volcano is my bet. This brings up the interesting possibility that submarine supervolcanic eruptions have been occurring throughout geologic time that produce no atmospheric effects except carbon dioxide degassing. Should be easy enough to see what's happening near the island of Mayotte.

Steamboat Snowmobiler Dies After Crashing Into Tree

News Link

Visit CAIC on Twitter for Continuous Updates on Avalanche Conditions and Advice


Saturday, November 24, 2018

Officials Warn Colorado Residents About Christmas Decorations Threat to Wildlife

News Link

Not a happy holiday for this buck.

Asteroid Blast May Have Leveled Biblical City of Sodom 3,700 Years Ago

News Link

An estimated 45,000 to 60,000 people were incinerated in the blast. This new data greatly increases the previous odds of injuries and deaths by asteroid or comet impacts from near zero to the range of 1 in 20 million. On the other hand, scientists believe we are now able to deflect or destroy the next potential deadly impactor.

Windsor Christmas Tree Farm Calls It Quits

News Link

Sad as it is to see a good-willed company go away, national forest christmas tree programs provide a valuable catastrophic wildfire prevention tool.

High Winds Cause Power Outage to 6,000 in Colorado Springs

News Link

Rabid Skunks Found in Morgan County

News Link

High Wind Warning for Front Range

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A classic winter weather pattern - heavy snow in the mountains with high winds, sunny and warm along the Front Range.

Winter Storms Deliver Up to a Foot of Snow to Colorado Ski Areas

News Link


Emergency Shelters Opened in Frisco for Motorists Stranded by 20 Car Pileup on I-70

News Link

Company Provides Floating Steel Traps to Protect Buildings from Floods

News Link

Friday, November 16, 2018

Ticks Transmit 20 Different Infections in the US

News Link

Mostly in the eastern and midwestern states.

In Colorado only, a better reference from CSU here -

   Colorado Tick Fever most common tick disease transmitted by the Rocky Mountain
         wood tick and American dog tick

   Rocky Mountain Spotted Tick Fever, rare, by the American dog tick

   Tickborne Relapsing Fever, very rare, by soft ticks associated with rodents

   Tick Paralysis, rare, by the Rocky Mountain wood tick

   Tularemia, very rare, by the Rocky Mountain wood tick and American dog tick
         associated with rabbits

All the tickborne disease cases were about 5 to 10 times more common in Colorado in the 1970's than now.

Walsenburg Couple Take In Mountain Lion Kitten, Feed it Bratwurst

News Link
No comment.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Mountain Lion Kills Dog in Evergreen

News Link

Cat is trapped and held in a rehab center awaiting decision to relocate or euthanize. A very small percentage of mountain lions are unable to develop the skills necessary to hunt traditional prey.  Darwinian selection prevails in all wildlife populations.

CDOT Engineer Invents Snow Proof Traffic Signal

News Link

LED traffic signals have low heat emissions and allow snow to build up and completely cover the signal. This has caused serious injury and deaths in resultant intersection crashes across the country.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Outdoor Recreation Supports 500,000 Jobs, Generates $62 Billion in Colorado

News Link

About 20% of Colorado's 2017 GDP of $342 billion. Colorado's economy is dominated by real estate; related financing and insurance, and government services.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Monday, October 22, 2018

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Monday, October 15, 2018

Prescribed Burns Mimic Natural Frequency of Low Intensity Forest Fires

News Link

Before Colorado was settled, grass and brush fires started by lightning would sweep clean the forest floors up to 10 times per century, leaving the tall, mature trees intact.  Fire suppression allowed new trees sprouting up on the forest floor to grow 10 feet or more providing a ladder for fires and pests to reach the upper canopy that cause today's catastrophic forest fires. Prescribed burns or clearing and removing smaller trees are ways to simulate the natural cycle of low intensity fires that maintain a healthy forest.

Rock Climber Falls 65 Feet in San Juans, Flight for Life to Hospital

News Link

Record Cold Temperatures Along the Front Range

News Link

Snow is not unusual for Colorado in October but temperatures in the low teens are.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Bear Spotted in Fort Collins

News Link

Bristlecone Pine Landscapes in Colorado

News Link

Colorado's bristlecones are shorter lived than those on the west coast. The oldest bristlecone in Colorado is 2,500 years old. Most live about 1,500 years near treeline at 11,000 to 12,000 feet. Bristlecones planted along the Front Range only live about 100 years.  I have 3 bristlecones in my yard that are about 40 years old.

Search Continues for Missing Hiker on Longs Peak

News Link

Some statistics provided in this article
    10,000 people attempted to make the summit this year, only half made it.
    62 people have died climbing Longs, mostly from falls off cliffs

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Colorado Couple's Incredible Tale of Mountain Biking the 2800 Mile Great Divide Trail

News Link

West Nile Case Confirmed in Clear Creek County

News Link

The first West Nile case in Clear Creek County since 2003, the 12th case in Colorado this year.

NASA Global Map of Wildfires 2000 - 2017 Shows Wildfires Burning All the Time

News Link

Slash and burn fires for agriculture burn in large areas of the Amazon rainforest and sub-Saharan Africa every year. Forest and grass fires happen in Canada, the Steppes of Eurasia, the Serengeti Plains and Pampas during periodic cycles of drought.

Mountain Goats Introduced to Colorado Between 1948 and 1972

News Link

3.4 and 2.9 Quakes on Western Slope, 3 Quakes in 24 Hours

News Link

Firefighters Rescue Horse Deep in Pond Mud in Castle Rock

News Link

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Water Restrictions in Grand Junction for First Time Ever

News Link

Colorado River is at record low levels from drought and low snowpack this year.

Homes Threatened By Small Landslide in Louisville

News Link

NWS Says Wildfire Smoke from Pacific NW Will Persist in Colorado Through Early Fall

News Link

Rain Helps Control Colorado Wildfires

News Link

9 fires ongoing contained 75% or more.

Smoke and Bad Air Quality Linger Along Front Range

News Link

Delays Expected for Rockfall Mitigation Work on McClure Pass

News Link

4.1 Quake Rattles Parachute

News Link

Might be from oil & gas wastewater injection well.

Man and 2 Dogs in Truck Roles Down Into Chatfield Reservoir, 1 Dog Drowns

News Link

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Typical Tabloid Article About "Near Miss" Asteroid

News Link

Hurtling by at 20,000 mph! As big as a pyramid! Coming within 3 million miles! ( More than 10 times the distance to the moon)

10 Year Study of Mountain Lions to Be Presented in Public Meeting

News Link

The study shows that 99% of the time mountain lions stick to the wild and natural food sources. One cat was tracked for 8 years, which occasionally ate livestock but always returned to elk and deer.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Smoke in Colorado Seriously Bad for Your Health

News Link

I am in Salida today and the air is downright foul even at high altitude. Rode the Monarch Crest Trail today because I can't wait until October or November for the air quality to improve. Not sure it was worth it. The usually stunning views were smothered in a brown haze. The air was smelly and caused my nose to run, a headache (taken care of with 2 ibuprofen), and seriously irritated my throat, lungs and eyes.

The main source of dangerous smoke levels is the Pacific Northwest - BC, Alberta, California, Washington state and Montana. Smoke plume with air quality monitoring data and fire locations.

So Far, Major Earthquakes Below Average

There were 7 major quakes (magnitude 7 or above) in 2017, below the long term average of 12 to 15 major quakes per year. A CU researcher's paper published in Oct, 2017 and posted here predicts that we can expect major quakes to increase to 17 to 20 quakes in one year sometime in the next 5 years. Despite the press hype surrounding the recent quakes in New Guinea and Fiji, 2018 is on track for a below average number of major quakes.

The USGS reports 6 major quakes in 2018 (as of 8/19/2018)

   7.5 Honduras
   7.1 Peru
   7.9 Alaska
   7.2 Mexico
   7.5 Papua New Guinea
   8.2 Fiji

Update: I might have spoken a day too soon.  7.3 Quake Strikes Venezuela  7.1 Quake Hits Peru 8/24
                                                                         7.8 Quake Fiji 9/6 9/28 7.7. Indonesia

Colorado National Guard Providing Air Support for Cache Creek Wldfire

News Link

Firefighting Price Tag for 1,585 Colorado Wildfires So Far Is $145 Million

News Link

432,000 acres burned so far is 2nd highest behind 619,000 acres in 2002. 385,000 acres were burned in 2012 with $538 million in property damages.

Bear Spotted in Tree in Colorado Springs

News Link

Study Looks At Environmental Impacts of Increasing Moose Population in the Rocky Mountains

News Link

Moose were not a native species in Colorado, introduced in 1978 the current moose population is approaching 3,000.

Hiker in Ireland Struck and Injured by Leaping Mountain Sheep

News Link

To my knowledge, this type of incident has not happened in Colorado but is definitely a possibility with the ever increasing number of people in the backcountry.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

200 Homes Evacuated in Old Park for Silver Creek Fire Near Kremmling

News Link

Bear and Cub Break Into Multiple Homes in Crested Butte

News Link

Mother euthanized, cub sent to rehab.

Mountain Lion Spotted on Larkspur Golf Course

News Link

Horse Gets West Nile in Larimer County

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Smoke From Western Canadian and US Wildfires Reaches Europe

News Link

Lightning Strikes Cause 2 House Fires in Colorado Springs

News Link

Update on Western Slope Wildfires

News Link

Still growing.

Multiple Rescues From Flooding South of Colorado Springs

News Link

Severe thunderstorm with large hail.

Snow Falls at A Basin, More Possible This Weekend

News Link

Thursday, August 16, 2018

NASA Compilation of Smoke Travelling in the Jet Stream From 2017 Wildfires


Similar to what is currently happening, smoke from Pacific NW wildfires travels through Wyoming and through to the east coast with some dipping southward along the Front Range.  My casual observations the last few days are that smoke is travelling along low terrain in river drainages. Probably because air with a high concentration of smoke particles is more dense than clean air.

Eco-Terrorist Who Started Dozens of Wildfires in the Western US in 90's and 2000's Arrested

News Link

The Complete Story on Rattlesnakes

News Link

A good read.

Driver Injured in Collision With Mountain Lion on I-70 West of Glenwood Springs

News Link

Cache Creek Wildfire Jumps Containment Line Heads Toward Battlement Mesa

News Link

New Wildfire Southwest of Blue Mesa Reservoir

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New Wildfires Breakout Near Craig

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New Wildfire in Boulder County Contained After Evacuation Orders Issued

News Link

Brush Fire Near DeBeque Canyon Closes I-70

News Link

Bull Draw Wildfire Near Nucla Expands to 21,000 Acres

News Link

Only 15% contained. Now the 17th largest wildfire in Colorado history.

Hundreds of Homes Evacuated for Wildfire North of Kremmling

News Link

Air Advisories for Colorado, Western Canada Wildfires Generating Most of Smoke Now

News Link

Over 500 wildfires burning in BC

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Mountain Lion Breaks Into Boulder House, Eats Cat

News Link

Very, very unusual. The cat looks like a yearling and there must have been an easily accessible entrance.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

2nd Colorado Case of West Nile Disease Reported in Delta County

News Link

Multiple News Media Reports of Softball-Sized Hail at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Inaccurate

News Link   Reports of baseball-sized hail accurate.

Bull Draw Wildfire Near Nucla Grows to 6,000 Acres

Western Slope Getting Worst of Wildfire Smoke

News Link

History Lessons from Public Lands

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Crowd Watches Bear in Tree at Breckenridge

News Link

Video of Hail Damage at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo


Even broke clay and cement roof tiles.

Colordo Parks and Wildlife Encouraging Residents to Bear-Proof Their Homes


Rare Morning Tornado Touches Down in NE Weld County

News Link

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Bear Trashes Car in Conifer

News Link

Bears find Subarus the easiest to get into.

Cache Creek Fire Near Rifle Was Started by Lightning

News Link

A recent article stated that 90% of wildfires in the US are human-caused. Articles I researched 5 years ago stated that 90% of wildfires in Colorado are started by lightning, burn less than 40 acres and generally quickly put out.  The large wildfires are usually human-caused. The Hayman wildfire in 2002,  the largest in Colorado history, was started deliberately by an arsonist.

Doctor Explains How Wildfire Smoke Is Similar to Breathing Cigarette Smoke

News Link

Mosquitoes Test Positive for West Nile in Lafayette

News Link

Mead, CO Resident Hospitalized With Neuro Invasive West Nile

News Link

Cyclists Collide With Mountain Goats on High Country Trail

News Link

Thursday, August 2, 2018

River District, Feds Work To Boost Streamflow in Frying Pan River

News Link

Last Week's Hailstorm in Greeley Caused Extensive Crop Damage

News Link

Hailstorms Are More Dangerous in Colorado Than Other Parts of the Country

News Link

A combination of faster hailstone speed at altitude, and high storm frequency over populated areas.

20 People Hospitalized by Large Hailstones and Tornado in Brush Last Week

News Link

Some pictures of large cuts and bruises suffered by a family in a car that had the windshields blown out.  Baseball-sized hail can break bones and grapefruit-sized hail killed n infant in Fort Collins in 1979.

Grasshopper Infestation Polluted Colorado Springs' Water Supply in 1873

News Link

A hitherto unknown factoid of history.

Largest Colorado Wildfires Mostly Contained But Smoke Is Thick Over the Front Range

News Link

My unscientific observation is that the smoke today is the worst ever. More than 2002 or 2012.

Durango Man Caught Feeding Bears for 3rd Time, Fined $1000

News Link

Someone should tell this guy about the woman in Ouray that fed bears. She was killed and eaten by a bear in 2009.

5 West Slope Wildfires Growing, Thick Smoke Spreading Out

News Link

Main threat is to oil and gas wells.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

3 Tornadoes Spotted on Eastern Plains

News Link

Video of Bear Emerging From Storm Drain Manhole in Colorado Springs


Not your average bear.

Flooding Causes $1.5 Million in Damages in Manitou Springs

News Link

Watch Flash Flood Tumble Down the Stairs at Red Rocks Amphitheater


Lightning Strikes House East of Colorado Springs

News Link

Video of Monster Debris Flow from 416 Wildfire Burn Scar in Durango

News Link

Bear Gets Into Car in Morrison, Destroys Interior

News Link

A common story in Colorado. Happens about 5 times a year.

Tornado in Byers Launches UPS Truck, Driver Hospitalized

News Link

Friday, July 27, 2018

Monsoon Storms Pound Canon City Area

News Link

1-3 inches of rain, large hail, high winds, flooding and mudslides.

Mountain Lion Spotted in Fort Morgan

News Link

A rare occurrence for a mountain lion to be so far out in the eastern plains.

Monarch Lake Area Sees Most Calls for Search and Rescue

News Link

Monarch Lake is the starting point for backpacking trips into a wilderness section of Rocky Mountain National Park. The few times I have been there, the vast majority of backcountry backpackers encountered have been inexperienced visitors from out-of-state.

Bear Spotted in Parker Neighborhood

News Link

There was an elk in my back yard yesterday. Wildlife seems to be coming down from the high country very early this year. Could be a lack of natural foods because of the summer-long drought.