Sunday, May 7, 2017

Teenager Rock Scrambling in RMNP, Pinned by Boulder, Requires 15 Man Rescue Team and Helicopter

News Link
A pair of backpackers from Tennessee, probably their first time in Rocky Mountain National Park. The vast majority of incidents in RMNP are out-of-state visitors, not educated on what the natural hazards are, or how to deal with them. A very expensive rescue effort - will they be billed for it? Did they have a permit? A diificult issue to confront - total freedom versus being held accountable for ignorance of the issues. Permits are required for overnight backpacking. Maybe a permit should be coupled with a requirement for a 1 or 2 hour video that educates on recognizing backcountry hazards (rockfall, exposure on steep slopes, icy trail conditions, avalanches, severe weather, lightning, wildlife encounters, snakes, rodents, tick fevers) and appropriate ways to avoid putting oneself or their dogs at risk and how to deal with hazardous conditions when encountered.

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