Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Late Snowfall Extends Season for Aspen, A-Basin

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Aspen open through Memorial Day. A-Basin open till June 11.

May 8 Hailstorm Most Costly in Colorado History

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Just on the basis of claims processed so far, it exceeds the damage done by the previous record July, 1990 storm. Looks like the 200,000 claims yet to be processed and commercial damages will put the final tally over $2 billion.

Bear Rips Rear Bumper Off Dougnut Delivery Car in Steamboat Springs

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The bear failed to get in. The title of the article is "Apparently Bears Like Doughnuts Just as Much as Cops".

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Search for Missing Person in Great Sand Dunes NP

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Severe Weather Continues Assault on Front Range

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After last week's devastating hail storm, this morning 2-3" of heavy wet snow has accumulated with 8-12" predicted for today and 3-5" tommorrow in the foothills.  Tree limbs are starting to come down.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Bear Gets Into Subaru Near Durango, Destroys Interior, Honks Horn

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Th owner of the car claims the doors were locked and no food was inside - was a window left open? Subarus are the most common vehicle broken into by bears.

Encounters With Juvenile Mountain Lions on Durango Trails

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Juveniles are regularly spotted in Colorado during the spring months as they leave their mother and seek to establish their own territory.

Dog Infected With Rabies Found in Weld County

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The rabies vacination program in Colorado has been very effective.  This is the first case of rabies reported in a Colorado dog since 1974. A dog from Texas visting Colorado was treated for rabies in 2003.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Golfball-Sized Hail Destroys My Daughter's Car in Golden

Blasted out the rear window, broke off a windshield wiper, damaged a rear view mirror and dents all over. Over $2,000 in damages.

Lightning Strikes Horse Riders in Sedalia

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A 37 year-old woman and the horse she was riding on were killed by the lightning strike. A 15 year-old girl was also struck, found unconscious and rushed to the hospital in serious condition.

High Wnds Drop Massive Pine Tree Onto Denver Home

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Sunday, May 7, 2017

4 Rabid Skunks Reported in Denver During the Past Month

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Teenager Rock Scrambling in RMNP, Pinned by Boulder, Requires 15 Man Rescue Team and Helicopter

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A pair of backpackers from Tennessee, probably their first time in Rocky Mountain National Park. The vast majority of incidents in RMNP are out-of-state visitors, not educated on what the natural hazards are, or how to deal with them. A very expensive rescue effort - will they be billed for it? Did they have a permit? A diificult issue to confront - total freedom versus being held accountable for ignorance of the issues. Permits are required for overnight backpacking. Maybe a permit should be coupled with a requirement for a 1 or 2 hour video that educates on recognizing backcountry hazards (rockfall, exposure on steep slopes, icy trail conditions, avalanches, severe weather, lightning, wildlife encounters, snakes, rodents, tick fevers) and appropriate ways to avoid putting oneself or their dogs at risk and how to deal with hazardous conditions when encountered.