Sunday, November 1, 2015

White House Publishes "Plan" to Deal With Power Outage From Solar Storm

News Link

The plan is how to deal with the aftermath, not how to prevent it.
Here are the areas projected to be destroyed by an EMP similar to the Carrington event

Only the area east of the Mississippi and the Pacific Northwest are expected to have significant damage to the power grid, Colorado, the Rockies, California east to the Mississippi are expected to be OK. The calculations weren't done for Canada but most of their grid will go down. As I posted a few days ago, a study shows that events in 775 and 995 were up to 20 times stronger than the Carrington event but the odds of the earth being in exactly the right position to get a solar blast in the northern-western hemisphere are very low. I would expect that those odds are similar to the odds of a house-sized or bigger meteor hitting the same area, which are about 1 in 20 million.

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