Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Research Finds Catastrophic Solar Storms Have Hit Earth More Frequently Than Previosly Thought

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This study, which looked at C14 ratios in ice cores from the Arctic and Antarctic, confirms the worldwide effect of the event in 775 first discovered in a tree ring study in Japan that was cited in my book.  The 775 event was about 20 times stronger than the Carrington event of 1859, which in turn was about 5 times stronger than the Quebec event of 1989. The study found another strong event in 995.  So, it appears that solar storms capable of destroying our power grid today have happened as often as once every 200 years with an average of one every 500 years. It would be very interesting for someone to examine the full ice core record, which goes back 1 million years, to see what the strongest solar blasts have been.

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