Friday, November 30, 2018

Some Shaking Going on in Anchorage


Hope everything is OK at Chugach Peaks photography.

Nobody Knows Why the Earth Just Rang Like a Bell

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The Krakatoa supervolcano in Indonesia produced a worldwide seismic signature when it erupted in 1883, so submarine volcano is my bet. This brings up the interesting possibility that submarine supervolcanic eruptions have been occurring throughout geologic time that produce no atmospheric effects except carbon dioxide degassing. Should be easy enough to see what's happening near the island of Mayotte.

Steamboat Snowmobiler Dies After Crashing Into Tree

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Saturday, November 24, 2018

Officials Warn Colorado Residents About Christmas Decorations Threat to Wildlife

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Not a happy holiday for this buck.

Asteroid Blast May Have Leveled Biblical City of Sodom 3,700 Years Ago

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An estimated 45,000 to 60,000 people were incinerated in the blast. This new data greatly increases the previous odds of injuries and deaths by asteroid or comet impacts from near zero to the range of 1 in 20 million. On the other hand, scientists believe we are now able to deflect or destroy the next potential deadly impactor.

Windsor Christmas Tree Farm Calls It Quits

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Sad as it is to see a good-willed company go away, national forest christmas tree programs provide a valuable catastrophic wildfire prevention tool.

High Winds Cause Power Outage to 6,000 in Colorado Springs

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Rabid Skunks Found in Morgan County

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High Wind Warning for Front Range

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A classic winter weather pattern - heavy snow in the mountains with high winds, sunny and warm along the Front Range.

Winter Storms Deliver Up to a Foot of Snow to Colorado Ski Areas

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Emergency Shelters Opened in Frisco for Motorists Stranded by 20 Car Pileup on I-70

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Company Provides Floating Steel Traps to Protect Buildings from Floods

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Friday, November 16, 2018

Ticks Transmit 20 Different Infections in the US

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Mostly in the eastern and midwestern states.

In Colorado only, a better reference from CSU here -

   Colorado Tick Fever most common tick disease transmitted by the Rocky Mountain
         wood tick and American dog tick

   Rocky Mountain Spotted Tick Fever, rare, by the American dog tick

   Tickborne Relapsing Fever, very rare, by soft ticks associated with rodents

   Tick Paralysis, rare, by the Rocky Mountain wood tick

   Tularemia, very rare, by the Rocky Mountain wood tick and American dog tick
         associated with rabbits

All the tickborne disease cases were about 5 to 10 times more common in Colorado in the 1970's than now.

Walsenburg Couple Take In Mountain Lion Kitten, Feed it Bratwurst

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No comment.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Mountain Lion Kills Dog in Evergreen

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Cat is trapped and held in a rehab center awaiting decision to relocate or euthanize. A very small percentage of mountain lions are unable to develop the skills necessary to hunt traditional prey.  Darwinian selection prevails in all wildlife populations.

CDOT Engineer Invents Snow Proof Traffic Signal

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LED traffic signals have low heat emissions and allow snow to build up and completely cover the signal. This has caused serious injury and deaths in resultant intersection crashes across the country.