Sunday, October 28, 2018

Outdoor Recreation Supports 500,000 Jobs, Generates $62 Billion in Colorado

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About 20% of Colorado's 2017 GDP of $342 billion. Colorado's economy is dominated by real estate; related financing and insurance, and government services.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Monday, October 22, 2018

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Monday, October 15, 2018

Prescribed Burns Mimic Natural Frequency of Low Intensity Forest Fires

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Before Colorado was settled, grass and brush fires started by lightning would sweep clean the forest floors up to 10 times per century, leaving the tall, mature trees intact.  Fire suppression allowed new trees sprouting up on the forest floor to grow 10 feet or more providing a ladder for fires and pests to reach the upper canopy that cause today's catastrophic forest fires. Prescribed burns or clearing and removing smaller trees are ways to simulate the natural cycle of low intensity fires that maintain a healthy forest.

Rock Climber Falls 65 Feet in San Juans, Flight for Life to Hospital

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Record Cold Temperatures Along the Front Range

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Snow is not unusual for Colorado in October but temperatures in the low teens are.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Bear Spotted in Fort Collins

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Bristlecone Pine Landscapes in Colorado

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Colorado's bristlecones are shorter lived than those on the west coast. The oldest bristlecone in Colorado is 2,500 years old. Most live about 1,500 years near treeline at 11,000 to 12,000 feet. Bristlecones planted along the Front Range only live about 100 years.  I have 3 bristlecones in my yard that are about 40 years old.

Search Continues for Missing Hiker on Longs Peak

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Some statistics provided in this article
    10,000 people attempted to make the summit this year, only half made it.
    62 people have died climbing Longs, mostly from falls off cliffs