Saturday, February 17, 2018

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

University of San Diego Study Claims Solar Radiation to Decrease by 7% Over Next 30 Years

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A Russian scientist published a similar study last year Link.  Both researchers hope that mother nature will come to the rescue and offset the effects of the global warming trend.

Avalanche Control Explosives Used on Red Mountain Pass

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Red Mountain Pass is on the highway between Ouray and Silverton and has been subjected to many avalanches and major rock slides. The most avalanche-prone areas have concrete sheds constructed over the highway for short stretches, but sheer rock faces at 35 - 45 degrees tower above most of the Red Pass section.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Weather History - 140 MPH Winds in Boulder, 1982

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This is a very detailed review of chinook winds and damage events in 1982. I recall that students at CU Boulder  attempting to attend classes were blown over by the wind.

In weather, history repeats in 30 to 40 year cycles. Lenticular clouds and 100 mph gust the other day may mean more to come.