Friday, September 29, 2017

Rare Rock Fall Fatality At Yosemite's El Capitan

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According to the NPS, there are an average of 80 rockfall events per year on El Capitan. Although there have been plenty of climbing incidents on El Capitan over the years, there have only been 5 previous climber incidents I can find reported since 1974 that were caused by rockfall. Can't find any good information on the number of climbers over that time frame but would roughly estimate an average of 10,000 per year (Devil's Tower in Wyoming has 5,000 per year in a much shorter climb and season duration).  So that would work out to 6 incidents for 430,000 climbers or a 1 in 70,000 chance. The only area comparable to Yosemite in Colorado is Eldorado Canyon near Boulder which has a higher rate of incidents.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Suspect That Chases Mountain Bikers With a Hatchet Near Monument Is Arrested

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A 31-year-old driving a car with expired Indiana license plates. Just speculation on my part but it appears that the suspect may have been homeless and either sleeping in his car or camping illegally. That would explain his irritation with mountain bikers that might reveal his presence to authorties. He has not been charged with the gunshot murder but was charged with an "unrelated" weapons charge.

Rockslide on Hwy 24 Near Manitou Springs

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It doesn't take much rainfall to trigger slides in this chronically active area.

Record Precip in Denver for Sep 23

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0.83" broke the record set on Sep 23 '13 during the storm that caused catastrophic flooding north of Denver in the Boulder - Lyons area.

Grand Mesa Gets a Foot of Snow

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Bikers are sad, skiers are glad.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Mountain Biker Gunned Down Near Monument

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I have often wondered if some crazy shooting his guns near trails that I ride would take aim - now I know.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Op Ed: With 11 Fatalities on 14ers This Year "It's time to do something"

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There is a good photo of the "knife edge" approach to Capitol Peak. Capitol Peak is on the right, the knife edge is in the lower part of the saddle to the right of Capitol. Approximatley 300 feet long, the knife edge narrows to less than 6 inches in width with steep dropoffs of several thousand feet on both sides. 6 of the fatalities this year have been on or near the knife edge.

Small 2.5 Earthquake Near Rangely

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Saturday, September 16, 2017

Rocky Mountain National Park Begins Closures for Elk Protection

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Apparently the Park Service learned a lesson from the incident a few years back when a tourist tried to take a selfie with a bull elk and the elk picked the tourist up in its antlers and hurled him about 50 feet through the air with a susbequent trip to the hospital.

Video of Mama Bear and 2 Cubs in Tree, Downtown Aspen

What's interesting about this video is the Mama bear just leads hers 2 cubs right by people standing on the sidewalk. So do bears understand when they are in human environments and when they are in natural environments and behave differently? In their natural habitat, Mama bears often attack hikers, the theory being to protect her cubs.

Pre-Evacuation Notices Issued for Brush Fire in Highlands Ranch

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An unusual number of brush fires in Highlands Ranch this year - arson?

Friday, September 15, 2017

2 Women Hospitalized After Elk Attack in Estes Park

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A herd of bull elk were in downtown Estes Park as they are every fall. Every year hordes of tourists surround the elk which makes the elk feel threatened. This particular elk was tagged previously for aggressive behavior and was put down.

Rockslide on Hwy 82 South of Glenwood Springs

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This area has rockslides every year with rotten shale similar to that on Maroon Bells.

Deep Creek Wildfire 100% Contained

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Over 4,000 acres torched.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Maybell Fire Expands to 4,000 Acres, Shifitng Winds Threaten Structures

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7th X-Class Solar Flare in 7 Days Hits Southern Hemisphere

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"Scientists are perplexed at the high level of activity as the sun approaches its regular 11 year cycle low." The sunspot cycle varies from 7 to 13 years so it could be it already reached its minimum and is on the way back up.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Rangers to Limit Campers at Conundrum Hot Springs

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Way to many visitors for a wilderness area.

Colorado's 10 Most Popular 14ers

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More climbing accidents because more people attempt 14ers every year.

Bear Raiding Peach Tree in Palisade Relocated

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Mama Bear and 2 Cubs Euthanized After Charging Hikers in Apex Park

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Parks and Wildlife is completely off-base on this one.  The bears were in their natural habitat and the mother's instinct to protect her cubs is normal. The right way to handle this situation is to close the trail to the public until the bears move on.

Story of 21-Year-Old, Latest Victim on Capitol Peak

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His first 14er attempt, he climbed in skateboard shoes.  His friend tried to talk him out of free climbing the cliff face that he fell from. Unfortunately there is no way to prevent the "invincibility syndrome" of young males.

The Long Road Back: Dick's Sporting Goods Reopens Store Damaged in May 8 Hailstorm

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Front Range Smoke-Filled Skies from Wildfires in Montana, Pacific NW

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