Wednesday, March 30, 2016

2 Skiers Caught in Avalanche Near Crested Butte

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Neither was injured. Video supplied by the skiers used by Crested Butte Avalanche Center in an educational piece.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Blizzard Shuts Down Schools, Roads and Airport in Denver

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Up to 2 feet of snow in the foothills. Power and internet out to 90,000. 1,200 flights at DIA cancelled.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Moose Increasing Risk at Ski Resorts

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Moose population now estimated at 2,500. Ski areas provide an easier path to walk through deep mountain snow. Won't be long till a crowd surrounds a moose trying to get selfies and end up being head-butted.

Wildfire in El Paso County Contained

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An evacuation order was issued for Yoder but crews quickly got the 100 acre grass fire under control.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Spring Means Time For Tick Season

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Very Interesting 2015 Severe Weather Map by NOAA

This map sure alters my perception of severe weather events. High winds account for more than half of all severe weather and the Front Range in Colorado clearly marks the dividing line between the eastern US with lots of severe weather and western US with very little severe weather. This map makes it pretty clear that few of the injuries resulting from high winds are reported in the news. I also notice that the Front Range has one of the highest concentrations in the US of hail storms with hail > 2". The map does not show lightning but here's a separate map for that.

Colorado ranks in the top 10 in the US for the number of people killed and injured by lightning despite having a relatively low population and a moderate amount of flash activity. On a per capita basis, Colorado ranks 4th in the US. There are two main reasons that Colorado has an above-average incidence of lightning victims. 15 million people a year visit Colorado and a majority are here for outdoor activities. Many are first time visitors and aren't aware that being on peaks or other exposed high points in the Rockies when clouds are present increases the risk of being struck.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

CDOT Studies Rock Shed for Glenwood Canyon Rockfall

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This approach seems like a non-starter to me. It would only cover 400 feet of roadway at a cost that will probably be more than $50 million based on the only project of this type, Big Sur's 245 foot rock shed at $39 million.The visual impact of a rock shed would pretty much negate all the awards the I-70 design team received for environmental sensitivity.  Construction of a tunnel would probably be a less expensive alternative to a rock shed based on the studies done for Vail, would reduce the visual impact and could be done with minimum disruption to traffic during its construction. The least expensive approach would be to monitor the cliff face at mile 125 and design preventative rock scaling projects on an as-needed basis.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

1/3 of Hydrocarbon Tank Fires Caused by Lightning

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Study Has Long Term Trends for Avalanche Incidents in Backcountry

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For Colorado, the trend is a lower number of incidents despite an increase in backcountry use. Incidents involving snowmobiles are rising.

A surprising result of the study - single or pairs of backcountry skiers less likely to be buried in an avalanche than large groups.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

USGS Study of Colbran Landslide Shows Rockslide 10 Hours Before Landslide Was The Trigger

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The rockslide came off a cliff above the head scarp of the landslide and blocked and backed up flow in an irrigation ditch. The backed-up water soaking the ground along with rainfall and snow melt and the additional weight of the rock and water at the top of the slide was enough to cause the massive ground failure and movement of the Colbran slide. The 3 ranchers that were buried in the landslide had gone up to inspect where the irrigation ditch was blocked.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Denver Woman Dies Hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park

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The 38 year-old woman recently moved here from Texas. Investigators are not sure what happened. My guess is that she slipped on an icy patch on the trail and fell. A Florida man fell and died in RMNP in January.