Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year. Colorado Hazards - 2016 in Review

Most natural hazards are related to weather in one way or another. Colorado's weather in 2016 was a seesaw back and forth between very wet conditions and drought. The new year started out with lots of mountain snow in January and was followed by a record warm and dry February. March through June 15 was very wet, followed by gradually intensifying drought conditions through the remainder of the year. Several polar vortex outbreaks caused below-zero weather in November and December punctuated by mild, warm and dry weather.

The warm weather in February caused freeze-thaw conditions and Glenwood Canyon had a major rockslide near the Hanging Lake tunnel that closed I-70 for weeks afterward. Hwy 550 above Ouray had another rockslide in February that partially blocked the highway. Smaller rockslides were reported in Manitou Springs, Clear Creek Canyon, I-70 near Lawson, and Telluride. Landslides took out the Kebler Pass road, Hwy 90 in Uncompagrhe and Hwy 145 outside Telluride.

5 people were killed and 5 injured in avalanches and ski area accidents in 2016. 4 of those killed were skiers that hit trees at ski resorts during March. 2 backcountry skiers had the ride of their life at over 60 mph when they were swooped on top of a massive avalanche at Red Mountain Pass. Miraculously, both were uninjured but the local sheriff issued speeding tickets for crossing Hwy 550 above the speed limit.

The wet conditions in the spring caused very high river levels, just below flood stage.  9 people drowned, mostly in rafting accidents caused by the high water. It was a year that had more people injured or killed falling off mountain trails than I can remember in the past 30 years. 6 people died and 12 were injured in 2016. 4 incidents took place in Rocky Mountain National Park, 2 on Long's Peak.

It was a quiet tornado season with the exception of a tornado in Wray that injured 5 people and a downburst in El Paso county that killed an elderly man after his trailer home rolled over. Severe thunderstorms brought high winds, lightning and hail in July. A golfer in Arvada was killed after being struck by lightning. Several feet of hail fell in Denver and Colorado Springs along with hail storms causing heavy roof damage. A climber on Long's Peak was struck by lightning, fell 300 feet and broke his neck, miraculously rescued by a firefighter and his nurse wife from Boise who happened by shortly after the fall.

Bear encounters were far less in 2016 than in 2015 because food stocks were plentiful after a wet spring. This didn't stop 5 bears in separate incidents from opening car doors, getting in, closing the door, and then destroy the vehicle trying to get out. There were 2 moose charging incidents - one in Steamboat Springs and the other in the Indian Peaks wilderness. There were the usual number of pet snatchings by mountain lions this year but a rare mountain lion attack took the headlines in June. A 5-year-old boy was attacked by a juvenile mountain lion near Aspen while playing in the yard at home around sunset. His brave mom was shocked to see the mountain lion grab her son's head and she came to the rescue, kicking and beating the cat and prying the jaws loose. An ER visit was necessary but the boy survived with non-life-threatening injuries.

100+ mph winds returned to Colorado after a long absence. In February a record 148 mph gust was recorded above Monarch Pass.  A woman in Larkspur was seriously injured when the February windstorm launched a metal shed that struck her. March high winds downed power lines and knocked over vehicles. 2 chinook blasts in December produced 4 readings over 100 mph in Bouder County in December. Windstorms downed trees onto houses and power lines which were responsible for starting a number of wildfires.

The drought produced numerous wildfires, many started by arsonists.  2 drifters from Alabama had an illegal camp fire that got out of control and burned 600 acres and destroyed 8 houses near Nederland. They were fined $1 million. The Beaver Creek fire north of Steamboat Springs started in June and burned over 38,000 acres through November and cost over $30 million in firefighting costs. A teenage arsonist that started the fire was arrested in October. The Hayden Pass fire near Crestone started in July and burned more than 16,000 acres.  In October, high winds downed a power line and started the Junkins fire near Westcliffe. Fanned by 80mph winds, 15,000 acres were scorched in just 12 hours. Aggressive firefighting limited the total damage to 19,000 acres over a 3 week period.

No 2 years of weather have ever been the same in Colorado. I have no predictions for 2017 other than it will be different than 2016.

Durango Herald - 2016 in Pictures

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Friday, December 23, 2016

4 Bears in PA Killed by Toxic Plant

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Not sure if there are any english yew plants in colorado but I can't find any info on them being here.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Friday, December 16, 2016

CDOT To Use New Road De-Icer

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A salt solution with anti-corrosive. Unfortunatley they will continue to use magnesium chloride, which strongly corrodes concrete and metal, and the runoff kills trees along the roadways.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

News Report 2016 Year in Review

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3 fires and 2 snowstorms. If you look at the 747 posts on this blog for 2016 so far, I think they might have missed a few significant events.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Phylloxera Found in Palisade Vineyard

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This could be devastating for the Grand Valley unless it can be tracked and eradicated quickly.

Dangerous Sub-Zero Wind Chill in Mountains and Eastern Plains

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Boise Firefighter and Wife Receive Awards for Saving Injured Colorado Climber

News Link
The firefighter and his wife, a nurse, found a climber near the crest of Wetterhorn Peak in July. The climber had been struck by lightning, fallen and broke his neck. A miracle that the couple showed up at the right time.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

2 Juveniles Charged With Arson in Tennessee Wildfire

News Link
14 dead, 150 injured and hundreds of homes destroyed. If convicted, these 2 will probably get life sentences and will deserve it.  There seems to be no answer on how to prevent young boys fascination with arson.

2.5 Quake at Headwaters of Canadian River Near New Mexico Border

News Link
I learned something new today - I did not know the Canadian River was in Colorado. It flows through New Mexico, the Texas pan handle, Oklahoma and Missouri where it joins the Mississippi River. The quake was shallow at 5km and could be fracking related.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Friday, December 2, 2016

Colorado Drivers Ranked 8th Worst

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Driving in winter conditions among the worst in the nation.

Fire Marshall Concludes Green Mountain Wildfire Probably Arson

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All natural causes have been eliminated. Green Mountain had 5 fires in November all but the latest one less than 1 acre. The fires may have all been started by one individual.

Newspaper Account of November 18, 1869 Tornado in Georgetown

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A double rarity - a tornado in the mountains and in late November.

Colorado's Firefighting 747 Supertanker Helps Out in Israel

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A good way to help pay for the supertanker. I wonder why it wasn't deployed to Gatlinburg, TN instead.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Rock Scaling Work Underway on I-70 from Lawson to Georgetown

News Link

Cause of Green Mountain Wildfire Under Investigation

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No lightning strikes the night this fire started, so had to be human caused. The only question is whether it was accidental ( cigarette thrown out a car window, spark from vehicle, utility line spark, etc) or arson. The pattern of fire spreading down ravines and strong winds from the north suggest to me that the fire started at the top of Green Mountain. Short of a cinder carried by the wind from I-70 or the asphalt plant or a helicopter passing overhead, arson seems likely. There is a disturbing trend of arson this year from the Beaver Creek Fire to several of the California wildfires and currently the huge wildfire in Gatlinburg Tennessee.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Social Media Rates Horsetooth Reservoir as 3rd Best Lake in America

News Link

This would be good press for Horsetooth until you read the details. Lake Harriet in Minneapolis is #1? and Tahoe doesn't make the list?

SUV Slides Off I-70 Rolls Over Down Embankment and Lands on Hwy 40, 3 Injured

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Heavy Snowfall in Mountains Brings Season's First Avalanche Warnings

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1 skier-triggered avalanche reported on Berthoud Pass.

High Winds Fan 300 Acre Wildfire on Green Mountain

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Evacuations required before fire is contained last night.

This shot shows the fire concentrated in gullies where scrub oak and bushes provide fuel. Looks a lot like lava flows coming down Kilauea in Hawaii.

                                                                      Photo credit: Katie Wood, Denver Post

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Politician Exploits "Terrorist" Squirrels

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Cherry Creek Dam Fortification Study Show Costs Are Justified

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The study was initiated after the 2013 flood caused concern that a bigger strom might overtop the Cherry Creek Dam, causing a collapse and catastrophic flooding in Denver. The Corps of Engineers estimates that such a scenario would flood 300,000 people downstream and cause $13 billion in property damage. A flood in 1933 caused the overtopping and failure of a dam on Cherry Creek that killed 2 people and caused about $20 million (in today's dollars) in damages at a time when there was far less infrastructure and population downstream - News Account of 1933 Dam Failure  The reconstruction of the dam was not completed until 1950.

$30 Million Expended to Fight Beaver Creek Fire

News Link
The 2 guys from Alabama that started the Cold Spring fire in Nederland were orderd to pay the costs of fighting that fire. The teen arsonist charged with starting the Beaver Creek fire might have to spend the rest of his life making payments.

Friday, November 18, 2016

2 Killed in Auto Crashes on Wet, Snowy Roads

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One on the Georgetown hill, the other at the I-25/I-76 ramp.

Oil Tanker Slides Off Road and Rolls Over in Brighton

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Dozens of Flights Delayed at DIA

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20 Car Pileup on I-70 at Floyd Hill, Crash in Eisenhower Tunnel Close I-70 in Both Directions

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2 injured.  We were driving back from Moab and barely made it through. I-70 was closed from Vail to Idaho Springs. We made it over Vail Pass before the closure but had to take Loveland Pass from Silverthorne and then sat for an hour at the tunnel just east of Idaho Springs from the Evergreen accident backup.

Bear Opens Door, Destroys SUV in Steamboat Springs Trying to Get Out

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2nd time this has happened in Steamboat this year. Little known fact from Parks and Wildlife - air fresheners are a very strong attractor for bears.

Hwy 14 Near Walden Closed by Wildfire

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Landslide Prevention Project Completed at Cheyenne Mountain

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During the 2013 floods a landslide blocked the entrance to the Cheyenne Mountain facility. $13 million and 3 years later a project to prevent that from happening again was completed by the US Air Force.

Denver Temperatures Plummet 55 Degrees

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What a difference one day makes. Record high tempertatures and summer-like conditions followed by 2 inches of snow and 15 degrees this morning. The third latest "first snow"  - only in Colorado!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Small Wildfire Breaks Out Near Red Feather Lakes

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Just north of the 2012 High Park and Hewlett Park wildfire burn areas.

Junkins Fire 100% Contained

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Started Oct 17 by 70 mph winds launching a metal shed into a power pole, it scorched 15,000 acres in the first 12 hours. Hundreds of firefighters on the ground and a fleet of aerial tankers limited the extent of the fire to about 19,000 acres after 3 weeks.

End of Daylight Savings Time Means More Auto-Wildlife Collisions

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The time change aligns rush hour with dawn and dusk.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Rockfall at New Mexico WIPP Results in Facility Evacuation

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As far as I know this is a first for rockfall event that could cause regional damage via a radiation release.

Monday, October 31, 2016

NASA Testing Asteroid Detection System

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An asteroid detected only one week ago passed within 310,000 miles of earth last night. NASA's new SCOUT system is able to detect asteroids, automatically calculate the trajectory and then automatically order 5 telescopes around the world to follow up with observations to confirm the trajectory. SCOUT is detecting 5 previously unidentified asteroids per day on average.

Bighorn Sheep Population Recovering in Colorado After Disease Die-Off in the 1990's

News Link

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Hundreds of Evacuees Allowed Back Home in Highlands Ranch

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200 acres scorched. Investigators say the fire was started by a malfunctioning utility pole. The JUnkins fire was also started by a sparking ower line. I think it would be a less expensive to require utilities to put all lines underground compared to the annual costs of fighting fires caused by above-ground power lines.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Educational Video - How To Avoid Collisions With Wildlife

On average, 260 people are injured and 3 people killed each year in Colorado because of vehicle collisions with wildlife. A majority of these accidents occur in the spring and fall when wildlife are migrating to and from the high country.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Arrest Made in Beaver Creek Fire

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A teenager is charged with starting this fire. This kid is in big trouble - millions of dollars spent fighting this 38,000 acre fire since June.

Racoon Causes Power Outage in Aurora

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Reminiscent of the Haldron Collider - Pop Goes the Weasel

CSU Scientist Provides Weather Explanation for the Bermuda Triangle

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An interesting theory and it makes sense. It would also explain rogue waves.

CU Professor Debuts Film Theorizing That a Volcanic Eruption Initiated the Dark Ages

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An anthropology professor's lifetime of research has led him to conclude that a large volcanic eruption in El Salvador in the year 535 caused a global cooling event that caused world-wide crop failures, famine, die-off of human populations and decline of civilizations. Recent investigations Link have concluded that this eruption was the 2nd largest in the last 200,000 years.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Some Junkins Wildfire Evacuees Allowed Back Home in Beulah

News Link
Information was spotty when this fire was first reported on Monday but it strongly suggests to me that the Junkins wildfire was started by an ember blown by 70 mph winds from the fully contained but still burning Beulah Wildfire.

Bear Gets in Car, Shifts to Neutral, Crashes Into Tree

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Somewhere in the Grand Lake - Winter Park area. It's been about 4 years since a similar event happened in Larkspur.

Arizona Highway Smothered in Wildfire Smoke Causes Nuerous Accidents

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This could happen in Colorado but I am not aware of any past reports of accidents except for firefighters traveling to the wildfire.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Junkins Fire Has Consumed 4 More Homes and More Out Buildings

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114 firefighters, 5 air tankers and 2 helicopters currently trying to contain the fire.

The Right Way to Shoot Nuisance Bears

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The bear that visited Sunflower Farm near Longmont 2 weeks ago was shot in the rear end with a rubber pellet. The bear left and has not been back since.

Small Wildfire Near Rampart Reservoir

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Nearby water source aids helicopter bucket drops. Fire 50% contained.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Denver in Top 10 US Cities for Rodent Problems

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The headline says rats but is based on Orkin's rodent control jobs which could include mice, squirrels and wood rats.

Junkins Fire Near Westcliffe Burns Down 1 Home, 5 Outbuildings, Hwy 96 Closed

News Link

Wildfire Near Westcliffe Scorches 15,000 Acres in 12 Hours Driven by 70 MPH Winds

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200 homes near Westcliffe under mandatory evacuation order. A huge smoke plume rolled into the Denver metro area yesterday afternoon driven by southerly winds. I don't think records are kept on first day fire size but this has to be a record. No indication of what started the fire but probably human caused as skies were clear.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Homeowner Burning Garden Debris Caused Wildfire East of Aurora

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Wildfire Danger Very High With Forecast of Dry, Warm and Windy

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Drought conditions are intensifying as a warm, dry autumn is forecast to continue the next few weeks.

Bear Study in Durango Demonstrates Futility of Colorado's 2 Strikes and Out Law

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This study, which tracks 85 bears that were collared in 2011, provides very detailed and important data demonstrating bears and people can co-exist. The best way to reduce bear-people conflicts is to use bear-proof trash cans. Durango did so this year, and the number of conflicts dropped dramatically from 520 in 2015 to 54 this year.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

300 Acre Grass Fire Near Deer Trail

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Man At Shooitng Range That Sparked Wildfire Near Keystone Cited For Arson

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Avalanche Educators Conference Focuses on Influence of Social Media

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The bottom line of their research is that groups of young males snowboarding the backcountry compete with each other and other groups to brag about taking the most extreme risks by posting videos on social media. If they were the only ones risking death by avalanche, I'd say let them do it but when avalanches are triggered, people that may be present downhill are at risk.

Monday, October 10, 2016

2.4 Quake Near Bailey

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29 people report having felt the quake. Very unusual to feel a quake of such low magnitude.

Friday, October 7, 2016

CDOT Trackhoe Spark Blamed for Beulah Wildfire

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The fire has scorched 5,000 acres, destroyed 8 homes and caused the evacuation of 2,000 people. CDOT has paid $5,000 to each of the owners whose homes burned down. That obviously isn't going to cover the replacement costs for the homes and the personal belongings in the homes. What isn't described in the article is where the spark originated from - exhaust without a proper spark arrestor or the backhoe bucket striking a rock and causing a spark. Also not explained is whether the crew did anything to try and douse the fire when it started.

Mountain Lion Spotted in Montrose City Park

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Monday, October 3, 2016

Incredible Story of Montana Man Attacked By a Grizzly Bear

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Another case of a female bear with cubs feeling threatened. This story is well worth the read for its details of ber protection he had available that were not effective. I believe his mistake was yelling repeatedly at the bears from a distance that attracted the mother's attention.

Mountain Lion Visits Home on Dolores River

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2.4 Quake in Evergreen

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Normally too small to be felt. No fraqcking going on in Evergreen.

61 Year-Old Greeley Man Dies After Falling Off Long's Peak

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He slipped on an icy portion of the trail and fell 100 feet.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Monday, August 29, 2016

Over 300 Reindeer Killed by Lightning Strike in Norway

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Very unusual. It's a little hard to tell from the photo, but it looks like the kill zone is about the size of a football field. It is tundra with bedrock exposed, so the bolt must have been transmitted through the rock surface - I don't think the air blast could have killed all these animals. There are no obvious signs of electrical burns but the photo isn't sharp enough to tell. It makes me wonder why this doesn't happen to mountain goats in Colorado, who live in similar terrain with lots of lightning.  Could it be that the caribou had anxiety-induced heart attacks from the loud boom?

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Close Encounter With Moose in Rocky Mountain National Park


Boulder Falls on Prospector on Mount Antero

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A boulder fell on Justin Morrison while digging for gold on Mount Antero breaking his hip. It took Chaffee County Search and Rescue several hours to free the man and medical flight for emergency surgery.

Late July Hailstorm in Colorado Springs Has 80,000 Claims Totaling $352 Million

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2nd costliest disaster in Colorado Springs history after Waldo Canyon fire. 4th costliest hail storm in Colorado history.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Monday, August 15, 2016

West Nile Virus Increases in Mosquito Population in Tri-County Area

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The Fort Collins-Greeley-Loveland triangle is seeing a record number of mosquitoes with West Nile this year. The number of human cases is tracking well behind 2014 and 2015 at this point.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

West Nile Cases Picking Up in Colorado

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Brain-Eating Amoeba Found in Grand Teton Hot Springs

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2 guys from Alabama burn down the forest around Nedeland, now someone from the south infects a popular hot spring - what next?

Colorado Woman Struck By Lightning Faces Large Medical Bills

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Swedish would not accept their insurance. We have had a few encounters with Swedish which I would characterize as not good.  Go to Saint Joe's.

Solar Flare Almost Started Nuclear War in 1967

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Another time scientists saved us from the military.

Crews Break Gas Line While Clearing Mudslide Near Telluride

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Elk Snared in Basketball Hoop Rescued in Evergreen

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I-70 in Glenwood Canyon Closed Today, Tomorrow for Rockfall Mitigation Work

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100 Acre Brushfire Near Strasburg

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Thursday, August 4, 2016

Hail Destroys Crops at Popular Fritzler Farm in LaSalle

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What To Do If Your Dog is Bit By a Rattlesnake

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A local vet in Larimer County says 100 dogs are bitten each summer just in the Fort Collins area!  This article doesn't mention the training programs that expose dogs to rattlesnakes and teach them to back off.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Pet Exposure to Plague in Colorado: What You Need to Know

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Thousands of Damage Claims Filed After Big Hail Storm in Colorado Springs Last Week

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Mountain Lion Spotted at North Pole Amusement Park on Pike's Peak

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Aurora Campers Narrowly Escape Death As Another Huge Cottonwood Falls in Nebraska

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Firefighters Save Vacation Home in Middle of Beaver Creek Fire Devastation

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The views will be bleak for a long time going forward.

Jefferson County Charges 2nd Man in Deer Creek Tack Lacing Incident

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Good work Jeffco!

Wildfire On South Table Mountain Prompts Evacuation Notices

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Firefighters quickly controlled this fire.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Monday, August 1, 2016

Outdoor Enthusiasts Encouraged to Buy Rescue Cards

News Link
This is partial insurance. Funds will be used to pay for search and rescue but does not cover medical transport or medical treatment.
Link to CORSAR card purchase terms and conditions.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Bear In Evergreen Gets In Car, Destroys It

News Link
This is the 4th case of bears getting into unlocked cars in the past 2 months. Bears seem to prefer Subarus or maybe they just have handles that are the easiest for bears to open.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Jeffco Sheriff Issues Summons for Deer Creek Tack Lacer

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Only a misdemeanor?

Rescue Team Saves Horse From Mud Pit at Cherry Creek Resrvoir

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Beaver Creek Fire Rages On

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High winds sent firefighters scrambling for safety. 1 cabin and 8 out buildings destroyed. Fire has burnt over 43 square miles and probably will continue until wet fall weather arrives.

Bat Test Positive for Rabies in SE La Plata County

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The bats seem to be back after many years of decline.

Damaging Hail Hits Front Range from Littleton to Colorado Springs

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Up to golf ball-sized hail causes severe damage to Walmart roof, cars.

40th Anniversary of Big Thompson Flood Disaster

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Some photos I have not seen before.

Damaging Hail, Winds Hit Colorado Springs

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Friday, July 22, 2016

Beaver Creek Fire Tops 25,000 Acres

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Arvada Golfer Killed by Lightning Was 23 Year-Old CU Student

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Glenwood Springs Resident Lassoes Bear With Plastic Jug Stuck On Its Head

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Colorado Springs Woman Recovering After Lightning Strike to Head

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First West Nile Case Confirmed in Fort Collins

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Rio Grande Trail Near Carbondale Reopens, Mountain Lions Have Moved On

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Arvada Golfer Killed by Lightning Tried to Shelter Under a Tree

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The wrong thing to do obviously.  About 1/3 of lightning strike victims seek shelter under solitary trees in the middle of an open field.

12 Mudslides Close Down Highway 145 Northwest of Telluride

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Bear Shot in Aspen Restaurant Reportedly Fed by Customers

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The only way to save bears is to keep them out of residential areas.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Another Near Miss With a Rattlesnake

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Riding the trails again and came very close to being struck. This time the snake was on the trail but blended in with the colors.  I did not see it until it was about one foot from my front tire. I stood up and and threw the bike to the left. The rattler coiled up and sidewinded along with me for a moment rattling and hissing loudly but did not strike. It all happened so fast that I didn't have the usual adrenaline rush.

Golf Ball-Sized Hail Hits Greenwood Village

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Man Who Fell In Poudre River Still Missing

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Friday, July 15, 2016

It Could Have Been Me

Last week 2 guys from Colorado died when a cottonwood fell on them. Last week I was standing under my cottonwood tree for a couple of hours with a limbing saw removing dead branches. I was sitting in the kitchen having lunch and I heard very loud craaaackkkk and then a loud progressive rumbling. A huge 14" diameter limb just broke off and fell exactly where I was standing last week - I would have been toast. There were no big winds - it just snapped under the weight of all the leaves and sheared off 3 more limbs below it on the way down. It also demsonstrates that these events happen all the time. Whether you are an unfortuante victim of natural hazards is totally random - just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Brittle Cottonwoods are definitely a hazard.

Driver Survives Crash Into Big Thompson River

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Cold Springs Fire Fully Contained

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2 idiots from Alabama destroyed 6 homes and over 600 acres of forest and required a lot of money in firefighting efforts. Hopefully the courts will wield justice on these individuals.

5 Cold Springs Firefighters Injured in Car Crash Traveling to Hayden Pass Fire

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Between 1976 and 2012 there were 65 firefighters injured and 35 fatalities in Colorado. About 1/3 of these were in crashes traveling to the fires.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

2 Alabama Men Arrested for Starting Cold Springs Fire

News Link
Camped illegally on the side of the road, start a camp fire when no burning was in effect, but they probably can't read anyway.

Cold Springs Fire Near Nederland Expands to 270 Acres, 3 Homes Destroyed

News Link
It is very windy, hot and dry today, conditions that can make a wildfire explode.

3 Mountain Lion Kitties Still Spotted Hanging Around Rio Grande Trail Near Aspen

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The trail remains closed to avoid any incidents. The article has a cute picture of one of the kitties.

Beaver Creek Fire Continues to Expand, More Evacuations

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Burning beetle kill trees fall over and are a hazard to firefighters, so they are letting this one burn. Some analysts think it might continue burning until October.

Wildfire Near Nederland Burns 2 Structures, Evacuations Ordered for Nearby Homes

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Another Record Year for Visitors and Spending in Colorado Ski Towns

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13 million visitors last ski season.

Forest Service Installing Gates to Prohibit Access to Caves With Bats

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Intended to halt the spread of white-nose syndrome, a disease that has decimated eastern bat populations.

2.5" Rain, 1.75" Hail Hits Pueblo West

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Localized street flooding and roof damage.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Fireworks Cause Multiple Grass Fires in Fort Collins

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Man Missing in Pueblo Reservoir, Presumed Drowned

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Divers will resume the search today.

51 Year-Old Littleton Woman Drowns After Falling Out of Commercial Raft on Arknasas River

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Vandals Go After Cyclists, Lace Deer Creek Road With Box of Tacks

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This happened to me when I did Ride the Rockies about 15 years ago. On that same trip we also had some fabulous alleged human beings throwing beer bottles out the back of a pickup truck and breaking on the road in front of us. Going down hill at high speed, a sudden loss of tire pressure could cause a crash with serious injuries. Should these people be found and prosecuted as terrorists?

Colorado Men - 1 Killed, 1 Injured When Tree Falls On Them At A Nebraska State Park

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Trees falling on people are very rare events and usually happen during storms when either wind blows a dead tree or one with a rotten base over. In this case, it appears from the photo that this was an old cottonwood tree with a twin trunk that was rotten at the base.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Mountain Lion Spotted at Roxborough State Park

A hiker was seriously injured fighting off a mountain lion attack at Roxborough in April, 1998.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Moose Charges Woman Walking Dogs Near Aspen

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Another case of off-leash dogs provoking a moose.

Mountain Lion Activity Closes Portion of Rio Grande Trail

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2 Injured in Longmont After Car Crashes Into Tree

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The 2nd car-tree crash in as many days.

Grizzly Attacks and Kills Mountain Biker Near Glacier National Park

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About 10 years ago, I came around a corner fairly fast and surprised a black bear on the trail with a mama bear and 2 cubs nearby. I was able to stop about 15 feet from the 500 pound male, who had squared-off and was ready to charge. I put my bike in front of me, "got big" and raised my hands above my head while yelling as loud as I could. Then I clapped my hands sharply to sound like rifle shots and the bear ran into the forest - phew!

Beaver Creek Fire Continues Uncontrolled, Now 13,000 Acres

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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Glenwood Springs Doctor Dies After Hitting Head on Rock in Glenwood Springs

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The doctor was hiking on the Grizzly Creek trail in Glenwood Canyon when he tripped and fell. I have hiked and biked this trail many times and the rocks in the trail are many, sharp and pointy. A sad turn of bad luck.

Old Fall River Road in Rocky Mountain National Park Reopens to Vehicles

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Feds and Non-Profit to Work With Private Landowners to Reduce Wildfire Risk

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How to Report Hail Storms to the National Weather Service

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Lightning Strike Sparks Wildfire in Garfield County

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Most wildfires are started by lightning strikes.

Speeding 22 Year-Old Woman in Colorado Springs Dies After Hitting a Tree

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Deer-Vehicle Collision on I-25 in Colorado Springs Causes Multi-Car Pileup, Blocks Traffic

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Fans Pelted With Pea-Size Hail at Rockies Game

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Game delayed for lightning, flooding and hail.

Thunderstorms Delay Flights, Flood Denver Streets

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More of the same expected for the next few days.

Bear Returns to Downtown Colorado Springs

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This bear was relocated once before. It is all over for this bear when they trap him - 2 strikes and out.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Doctor That Fell Off Paddleboard in Chatfield Reservoir Dies

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Now reported that it was a storm that caused the accident, the few details released make me wonder if she was struck by lightning or maybe blown off by the air blast from a nearby lightning strike.

Saturday, June 25, 2016