Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Moose and 2 Calves Hang Out in Parking Garage in Vail

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These are the moose that Vail Police say they will let roam free. What happens when a mother moose and 2 calves are surrounded by a crowd of people with their dogs?

Elk Rams Patrol Car in Evergreen

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This is a silly story but gives a reminder to steer clear of bull elk during the rutting season.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Record Year For Bear Activity in Boulder

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The article is about a mother bear with 2 cubs that will be euthanized soon, after which the cubs will be put in a rehabilitation camp and then relocated.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Case of Man That Claimed He Was Attacked by Bear on Grand Mesa Gets Stranger

News Link Investigation by Parks and Wildlife concludes whatever happened there was no bear at the scene. Maybe it was Bigfoot.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A Strange Case - Reported Bear Mauling on Grand Mesa Leads to Criminal Investigation

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No details provided - is Parks and Wildlife finally going to prosecute people for not bear-proofing their food while camping?

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Group of Visiting Firefighters Saves Colorado Springs Woman Bitten by a Rattlesnake

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Jefferson County Couple Find Bear Inside their Car

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This happens a lot and makes me wonder why bears, smart enough to figure out how to open a car door, decide to close the door when they get in, and then can't figure out how to open the door from the inside, panic and destroy the car trying to get out.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

West Nile Victim in Pueblo Dies

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The first West Nile death this year, 61 cases of West Nile reported in Colorado so far this year.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015

Momma Mountain Lion and Cubs Visit State Patrol in Colorado Springs

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Study Reveals Western Forest Wildfires At Similar Or Slower Rate Than in 1800's

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Natural cycles of dry warming and wet cooling span 3 generations, so of course when we reach the maximum of either a warm or cool cycle that generation thinks it is something new. Tree ring studies that go back as far as 2,000 years in western North America show that severe droughts like the ones we experienced in 2002 and 2012 in Colorado have happened many times in the past. In California, the tree ring record shows that droughts like the current one are the normal situation. What has happened in the past 100 years is fire suppression. Prior to settlement of the west, fires that consumed the undergrowth but did not affect the taller mature trees happened every 5 to 10 years.  Early settlers in the west were able to ride their horses through any forest because the understory was clear and mature trees were spaced relatively far apart. Fire suppression has allowed newer trees to grow in the spaces between mature trees resulting in an unhealthy tree density that provides a ladder for pine beetles to make it into the upper canopy and for flames from ground fires to reach the upper canopy.

More Cute Bear Cubs on Video in Boulder


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Research Shows 2013 Floods in Boulder County Are More Common Than Previously Thought

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I posted many times right after the flood that a review of historical floods in that area showed it was in the range of a 50 to 100 year flood when the media kept screaming it was a 1 in 500 or 1 in 1,000 year event. The good news is that this research will allow the 100 year flood plain limits to be expanded, requiring flood insurance for homes within the flood plain. As I posted at that time, part of the problem was that Boulder and Larimer Counties counties have allowed extensive high density residential development over the past 50 years within the true 100 year flood plain.

Campers Near Winter Park Shoot and Kill Bear

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Park and Wildlife decided not to file any charges in this case - kind of curious since the bear was not attacking them but simply did not respond to warning shots like the guy in Evergreen that shot 2 bear cubs last week.