Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Fleas Test Positive for Plague in Fremont County

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Chaffee County Reports Resident Contracted and Recovered from Plague

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A Map of US Lightning Fatalities by State for the Past 10 Years

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Colorado is in the top 5 for both number and per capita. In Colorado, the number of people struck by lightning that survive is 4 to 5 times the number of fatalities. In just the past week, 3 people have been killed and 8 injured by lightning strikes. 40 people have been struck by lightning in Colorado this year, the most ever in a year with a month of lightning weather left to go.  The previous record was 34 in 2004.

Monday, July 20, 2015

71 -Year Old Man Struck by Lightning in Golden Gate Canyon Saved by Wife

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He was trimming trees with a chain saw. Holding a metal object during a lightning storm is not a good idea.The wife performed CPR, incredibly it took 20 minutes before he responded. His dog was next to him and also struck and died. There have been several cases in the past in Colorado when people have stopped breathing after being struck by lightning and been resuscitated with CPR.

4 Teens in Aurora Injured When Lightning Strikes Tree Near Pool

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Friday, July 17, 2015

Wildfire Smoke Can Increase Risk of Heart Attack

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Based on a study of Australian wildfires.

Unprepared for the Really Big One in the Pacific Northwest

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This won't affect Colorado directly except for the loss of fruit production but is an excellent review of how the history of big earthquakes and tsunamis off the northwest coast came to be understood. A comparison of the 2011 9.0 earthquake in Japan with what will happen between Portland and Vancouver when the really big one hits is chilling. An entire civilization has been built along the northwest coast since the last really big one hit and in that sense Colorado is in a similar situation of being unprepared for a Magnitude 7 earthquake along the Front Range.

Record Strength El Nino Forecast for Next 9 Months

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This article takes an in-depth look at the previous strong el Ninos of 1982-83 and 1997-98. Looks like it will be a good ski season!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Monday, July 13, 2015

2.5" of Rain Floods Fields and Drainage Ditches in Logan County

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Scientists Predict Mini Ice Age Between 2020 and 2030

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Scientists have developed a new method of predicting solar flare activity and forecast something similar to the Maunder minimum in the 1600's will happen soon. Another research report in the news today shows that west Antarctica ice cap melting is due to high heat flow from volcanoes located under the ice. This is great news as it appears that natural forces will offset the warming trend of the past 30 years.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Florida Has Some of the Strangest Natural Hazards

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A 5-year old girl was killed by a sturgeon jumping while the boat was traveling at high speed. Apparently this happens all the time, like cars hitting deer in Colorado.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Tick Bites Can Cause Severe Allergic Reactions to Eating Red Meat

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I ran across this article while researching spider bites. I had a bite on my leg 10 days ago and have had an allergic reaction that continues to cause pain and swelling in my lower leg. I've been to the doc and it is not infected. There is very little information about allergic reactions to bug bites, so I found this article with this unheard of effect from a bug bite. It was a lone star tick, which is not native to Colorado but good to know if you visit Texas.

Another article where researchers ithink other types may cause red meat allergy also  News Link

Camp Site At Cottonwood Lake Evacuated After Mudslide

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More fallout from El Nino.

Bear Rips Off Garage Door in Durango, Takes Off With Garbage

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This same thong happened in Pagosa Springs a few years ago. Those San Juan bears must have some grizzly in them.