Friday, April 24, 2015

Colorado Baby Recovering From Botulism

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Few people realize that infant botulism is contracted from soils or dust by babies handling it then putting their hands in their mouth.

Emergency Rockfall Mitigation Closes I-70 Between Floyd Hill and Idaho Springs

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CDOT is staying on top of things - it has been some time since there has been a vehicle hit by rockfall on I-70.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Severe Weather Awareness Week in Colorado

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Looks like a foot of snow this year rather than tornadoes but this article has a ton of safety tips for what to do if you encounter a tornado.

Officials Say Wildfire At Kenosha Pass Started by Gun Fire

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Fatal Hantavirus Victim ID'd by County

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Unusual disclosure, normally the identity of victims is not provided. Location was the residence of the 36-year-old man west of Durango near Hwy 160 and the La Plata River.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Denver Bound Flight Struck By Lightning

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Check out the huge hole in the nose of the airliner. Must have been some pretty cold luggage coming off that plane.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Solar Researchers Identify Annual, 11-Year and 22-Year Cycles in Solar Activity

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Solar activity ( or lack of it) has a major impact on our weather and is something not accounted for in long term climate models.  Here you can see a graph of of observed solar activity (Credit Martin Armstrong). The hot, drought years of 2002 and 2012 that spawned the record setting wildfire seasons in Colorado correspond to the peak solar activity of the 11 year cycle.

Wildfire Burns 275 Acres in Delta County

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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Plague Outbreak in Arizona

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This article provides a good description of how and why plague epidemics in prairie dogs are prevalent in the 4 corners area.