Friday, October 31, 2014

USGS Opinion That 2011 Trinidad 5.3 Earthquake Caused by Wastewater Injection

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There has been a lot of small earthquake activity in that area recently, similar to the swarm of small quakes near the Rocky Mountain Arsenal wastewater wells in the 60's and 70's.

Video of Man Thrown from Motorcycle After Hitting Deer near Pagosa Springs

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His protective gear, especially his helmet,  saved him but I wonder if it blocked his peripheral vision to notice the deer along the side of the road in the first place. Definitely wear a helmet anyway.

Monday, October 27, 2014

November Is Peak Time for Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions

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There is a great photo of a elk calf nursing in the middle of the highway.  This article has a complete set of statistics. Last year, there were 3,437 wildlife-vehicle collisions reported. 250 people were injured and there were 4 fatalities.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Colorado Mountain Lion Migrates to Kansas

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A sign that Colorado's mountain lion population is growing.

Study Completed - 1,138 Landslides During September 2013 Floods

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Most of these landlsides were debris flows - severe erosion that occurs during intense rain storms. The interesting part of the study was that most occurred on south-facing slopes.  That probably means that tree-covered slopes are effective in preventing erosion.

X-Class Solar Flares Disrupt Communications

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Sunday, October 19, 2014

NASA Scientists Declare Drought of 1934 the Worst in 1,000 Years

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I guess it depends on what the definition of "worst" is. They used the criteria percentage of the US that had drought conditions, which was 72% in 1934. But you could also look at duration ( how many years ), or how dry it was (how low stream flow was based on tree ring studies). On the basis of those criteria, 1934 was the third or fourth worst drought in the past 1,000 years. Tree ring studies in California show a drought of 240 years duration that started in 850 AD, followed 50 years later by another drought of 180 years. I'd vote for that to be the worst drought.

3 Bear Incidents in the Aspen Area

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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014

CDPHE Warns Small Game Hunters About Tularemia

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Colorado has had 11 human cases this year and more that might be confirmed. The most since the 1980's.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Moose Wandering Through Longmont

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Storm Brings Golf-Ball Sized Hail to Denver, Snow to Mountains

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I was driving over Wolf Creek Pass on Monday and it was total chaos. 6" of heavy snow fell quickly and semis, Winnebagos and cars were strewn across the road. My trusty Land Cruiser was able to navigate around and through the mess but most cars were spinning out.

NOAA Researcher - Last September's Floods Not Caused by Climate Change

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Just what I said last year when it happened. The researcher also found the storm strikingly similar to the Boulder flood of 1938 and similar to the June, 1965 flood.  Did they read my blog?, because it sounds exactly like what I posted last year when it happened.