Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Drought-Stricken Eads Gets 6" of Rain

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Flash Flooding in the Redlands, Grand Junction

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Man in SE Colorado Dies When Wind Collapses Trailer

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Heavy Rains Cause Flooding, Mudslide Closes I-70 Near Wolcott

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Kayaker Drowns on Arkansas River near Buena Vista

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Rain Pounding Front Range

It's an upslope - looks very similar to last September.

Garbage-Browsing Bear Killed by Police in Breckenridge

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Colorado's 5th West Nile Case of Season in Mesa County

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Very few West Nile cases this year, way down from 2013.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Niwot Woman 3rd West Nile Case in Colorado for 2014

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Mountain Lion Attacks 2 Dogs in Glenwood Springs

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I wonder if this is one the 2 young mountain lions seen there last spring.

Smoke from Wildfire in British Columbia Hazes Colorado Skies

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Flooding Hits Southern Colorado

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This happened last Wednesday.

3 Additional Cases of Plague Reported by CDPHE

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All cases are believed linked to the dog owned by the first person to contract pneumonic plague. The dog is believed to have been bitten by fleas that obtained the plague from prairie dogs or rabbits. The dog spread it to the people via inhalation. The health department's privacy policy doesn't allow identification of who was affected.

Bear in Grand Junction Gets 2 Strikes and Out

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Hungry Bears Breaking Into Homes in Steamboat Springs

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3 separate incidents.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Mudslide Shuts Down Hwy 285 Near Poncha Pass

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Residents in Cascade Cleanup After Severe Flooding

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Cascade is located upstream of Manitou Springs on Hwy 24 and Fountain Creek. The Waldo Canyon fire of 2012 burned much of the surrounding high country.

A Little-Known Natural Hazard

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This story is from London where a crystal doorknob focused the sun's rays and started a fire.

Something similar happened in my house about 5 years ago.  My wife had a small makeup mirror with a stand in our bathroom.  It was a circular 2-sided mirror with a flat mirror on one side and a concave mirror on the other.  Every day about 2 PM I would smell smoke and could not figure out where it was coming from.  Finally, I looked in our bathroom and there was smoke coming from a small spot on the woodwork framing the window.  The afternoon sun came in a west facing window, hit the concave mirror sitting at about a 45 degree angle on the counter top, and reflected a focused light beam on the woodwork. Over a week's time it had burnt a hole about 1 inch in diameter and 1/2 inch deep - quite the repair job and quite lucky a fire didn't start!

Road Flooding and Mudslides Hit Larimer County

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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Parks and Wildlife Could Have Easily Avoided Problem with Cow Elk in Steamboat

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Parks and Wildlife has now captured the calf of that was abandoned when they relocated the mom to the Flat Tops Wilderness. This whole sorry situation could have been avoided by closing the trail to the public like they are doing with moose near Maroon Bells.

Heavy Rain, Flooding, Hail and Tornadoes Hit Front Range and Eastern Plains

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Saturday, July 12, 2014

1 More Killed and Others Injured in 2nd Day of Lightning Strikes in Rocky Mountain National Park

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The monsoon rages on.

Lightning Strike Kills 1, Injures 7 Other Hikers in Rocky Mountain National Park

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The hikers were on a trail just off of Trail Ridge Road.  Trail Ridge Road, as the name implies, is an exposed high point along the continental divide that is one big lightning rod. Just about every year, out-of-state tourists that are unaware of the risk of hiking on exposed mountain ridges in the afternoon are struck in Rocky Mountain National Park. RMNP and the Pike's Peak area near Colorado Springs have had the most incidents of lightning strike casualties in Colorado over the past 60 years.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Elk Cow in Steamboat Relocated to Flat Tops, Calf Left to Fend on Its Own

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The photo shows 2 dogs off-leash harassing the elk. When this happens with a moose at Maroon Lake the trails are closed to the public - seems like an inconsistent policy.  Maybe the dogs should be trapped and relocated.

Rabid Bat Bites Senior While in Her Home in Pueblo

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