Monday, June 23, 2014

West Nile Researcher Says There Could Be a Lot of Cases This Year

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Recent wet conditions with summer warm up adds up to a lot of mosquitoes which transmit the disease. Birds carry the disease and both humans and horses are at risk. The mosquitoes that carry West Nile are most active at dawn and dusk.  Most cases in Colorado occur where there are a lot of irrigation canals and ponds in the Ft Collins-Greeley-Longmount area and the Grand Junction-Montrose-Delta area. There were 322 cases reported in 2013 with 7 deaths.

Man and Woman Injured After Motorcycle Collides with Elk in Durango

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Friday, June 20, 2014

40 Tornado Touchdowns in Colorado this Year Near the Average

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Research Shows Large Catastrophic Floods on the Colorado River Happened 40 Times in the Past 2,000 Years

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The researchers found that the so-called 100-year and 500-year flood events statistically calculated from the relatively short stream gauge records have happened far more often. The 500-year flood calculated from stream gauge records was exceeded 26 times in the past 2,000 years - an average of once every 77 years. This is completely consistent with the obviously wrong conclusions that the floods in the Boulder area last September were 1 in 500-year or 1 in 1,000-year events caused by global warming.  Big Thompson Canyon has had 2 "500-year flood events" in the past 40 years. As I stated last September, it is pretty clear that the traditional flood frequency estimates based on limited stream gauge records are flawed and way off the mark. Tree ring studies dating back 1,000 years along the Colorado River have shown that the climate has gone through a regular cycle of extreme drought to extreme wet. Past cycles have shown both more extreme drought conditions and more extreme wet conditions than have happened in the past 100 years.

Mosquitoes Test Positive for West Nile near Grand Junction

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A Novel Way to Control Plague in Prairie Dogs

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Research being conducted by Colorado Parks and Wildlife near Durango is using a vaccine to try and prevent large outbreaks of plague in rodent populations. Peanut butter flavored pellets are the delivery system for the vaccine. Limiting plague in rodents is a way to reduce the potential for people to be exposed.

New Viral Threat Chikungunya Similar to West Nile

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165 cases in the southern US were all contracted outside the US. Health officials see the spread of this disease as very similar to West Nile and probably will be here in the next few years. it is not fatal, like West Nile can be, but symptoms are more intense than the worst flu you've ever had.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

How to Survive a Bear Attack

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The best part was this comment:

Tornado Stories

A teen in Trinidad was mowing the lawn while listening to loud music on his ipod and did not hear the tornado headed right for him.
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Video of tornado in Fairplay at 10,000 foot elevation.