Wednesday, April 23, 2014

New Study Shows Asteroids Strike More Often

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A new study shows that asteroid explosions in the atmosphere with a force greater than a nuclear bomb happen twice per year.  Since 70% of the earth is covered by oceans, most are not observed by people. Perhaps 10% of the earth's surface is inhabited by people. That works out to about once per decade over inhabited areas. The last one observed was over Russia last year, which injured over 1,000 people.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

University of Colorado Researcher Unlocks Mystery of West Nile Virus

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Discovery of how the virus attaches to cells and reproduces may lead to treatments and vaccine.

Dumb and Dumber

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People (visitors?) in Vail are surrounding an injured elk and having their pictures taken. I am sure they will sue Vail when the elk heaves one of them over its shoulder.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

More Earthquakes in Challis

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Here's the quote from the state geologist:

"Much is perplexing about the series of tremors, said Bill Phillips, a geologist with the Idaho Geological Survey at the University of Idaho. Such earthquake swarms typically are associated with the movement of molten rock below ground, which geologists credited for the recent quake cluster at Yellowstone National Park, or they are linked to an active fault."

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sunday, April 13, 2014

One Month Later, Moose and Calf Still Hanging Around Silverthorne Mall

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4.9 Earthquake Rattles Challis, Idaho near Yellowstone

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Challis has been hit by a swarm of about 20 earthquakes in the past 2 weeks.  It is located about 150 miles west of Yellowstone and lies on a fault connected to the fault that runs through Yellowstone.  Yellowstone had a 4.8 quake two weeks ago.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Minneapolis Father and Son Hiking at Echo Lake Missing Since Wednesday

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Doesn't look promising for these two.  I drove across the mountains this morning and it was a complete white-out blizzard.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Meteorite Narrowly Misses Norwegian Wingsuit Skydiver

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Amazing helmet cam view of a basketball-sized meteorite whizzing by.  It makes me think that meteorites of this size hitting the earth are far more common than reported.

Update: After thinking about it, what happened might have been rockfall. It wasn't moving that fast and wasn't hot like a meterorite that just went through earth's atmosphere.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Ridiculous Mountain Lion Article in Durango

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A mountain lion killed a fawn within the city limits of Durango - this is news? and a tragedy? Guess what - mountain lions eat one deer every week or two.