Monday, August 26, 2013

Second West Nile Case in Delta County

36 cases so far for 2013 in Colorado.  Most cases happen in August and September, so mosquito spraying efforts appear to have been effective so far.
News Link

Friday, August 23, 2013

Heavy Rainfall, Flooding, Hail Hit Front Range

Golf ball+-sized hail nits Littleton, Colorado Springs and Pueblo areas.
News Link   News Link

Flooding in the same areas hit by hail.
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Flooded basement in Colorado Springs
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Flooding on Fountain Creek takes out bridges in Green Mountain Falls.
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Monday, August 19, 2013

NASA Researchers Reveal Russian Meteorite Explosion in February Generated Dust Plume Over Arctic

NASA does it's usual fantastic job of animated 3D visuals to show how a plume of dust encircled the northern hemisphere above about 50 degrees latitude within days after the February 15, 2013 meteorite explosion over Chelyabinsk, Russia.
News Link

Two plumes were generated - one that covered about 1/2 the Arctic Ocean and a second, larger plume that covered Russia, Canada and northern Europe. The meteor was estimated to weigh about 11,000 tons compared to the average of about 30 tons of space dust that enters earth's atmosphere each day. In other words, about 1 years' worth of normal space debris was vaporized on February 15.  Thinking back on the colder than usual weather conditions in the northern latitudes that continued all the way into June, it seems pretty logical that the meteor dust plumes reducing sunlight penetration to the earth's surface are the reason for the colder conditions and also could explain the recent 50% increase in Arctic sea ice this year compared to 2012. Similar to a small volcanic eruption, we can expect the effects of the meteor dust plume to dissipate quickly.

Shown below are the paths of 1,400 asteroids tracked by NASA that have a chance of hitting earth.

Looks like the electron cloud of an atom doesn't it?  NASA estimates there are about 9,500 potentially hazardous asteroids (PHA) but they have only located about 1/2 of them.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Mountain Lion in Gunnison Relocated

Another case of young lions leaving mom to go out on their own being somewhat confused about what to do.
News Link

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Cat in Bayfield Tests Positive for Plague

Southwest Colorado has a long history of plague disease carried by rodents.
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Manitou Springs Gets Hit Again with Flash Flooding and Mudslides

1 dead and 3 injured in Manitou Springs. Cars trapped on HWY 24 by mudslide. Floodwaters rise downstream in Fountain Creek.
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The burn scars from the Waldo Canyon fire combined with heavy rain do it again similar to the High Park fire and Poudre Canyon which has been hit 5 times in 2013.

20 cars were swept away.
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Elderly man scrambles to safety.

Woman climbs cliff to safety.
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Saved by a tree branch.
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Body of missing girl in Colorado Springs found.
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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Flash Flooding Raises Arkansas River Floodwaters

Flooding in Pueblo closes some local streets and section of I-25. Flooding also in Rocky Ford.
News link

Monday, August 5, 2013

West Fork Fire Finishes Out at 2nd Largest in Colorado History

The 2012 season was much worse than this year but the dry conditions from the 2012 drought carried over to this year and produced the costliest wildfire in Colorado history (the Black Forest Fire) and the 2nd largest burn area (West Fork).

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Insurers in Colorado Start Cancelling Policies due to Wildfire Risk

Just like hurricanes in Florida, it seems that many insurance companies' business plan is based on not having any claims.
News Link

Mountain Lion in Fort Collins Neighborhood

A young mountain lion was tranquilized and transported about 60 miles west of Fort Collins. It was 18 months old and 60 pounds - this is just about the time cubs leave their mom and go out on their own. A majority of the rare attacks on people in Colorado are cats about this age.
News Link

Friday, August 2, 2013