Friday, May 8, 2015

Video of Super Flare on Sun

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The first concrete evidence of a super flare from the sun. If a flare of this size shoots off in the direction of earth, there would be a huge EMP that would cause havoc to all electrical systems where the radiation blast hits. The chances that this will happen are very, very small. Since this is the first super flare that has been recorded, they probably happen once every 50 years or less often. The chances that a flare of this size would occur on the surface of the sun directed at the earth at the precise position in its annual orbit around the sun I haven't calculated but I would guess the odds of that are similar to the chances of being struck by a large meteor which is about once every 1 to 10 million years.  The 24 hour rotation of the earth's surface facing the sun would give a 50-50 probability to whether the radiation blast would hit land or be over open ocean. The seasonal tilt of the earth for winter or summer would also come into play. You can worry about this if you want, but chances are that you won't see it in your lifetime.

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